The Sit-In Survival Guide: Pillows, Pizza and Pastries

House Dems hunkered down Wednesday, armed with snacks and sleeping necessities.

Many representatives tweeted photos of pizza, pillows and blankets and boxes of donuts. Rep. Judy Chu, for example, tweeted a photo of a stack of Domino's pizza boxes, writing, "We just received a pizza delivery courtesy of citizens of California. Thank you! #NoBillNoBreak."

Also enjoying pizza was Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, who tweeted a photo of a stack of pizzas, writing "Thanks @RonWyden for bringing pizza to keep us going during our sit-in to demand action on gun violence prevention."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren made quite an entrance, bearing boxes of donuts.

Rep. Barbara Lee showed off quite a spread, including corn on the cob, vegetables and pasta dishes.

Just as important as food, is sleep. Here, Rep. Chellie Pingree tweets a photo of a set of pillows, writing "looks like we are in a for a long night."

Rep. Cleaver also came prepared to take a nap.

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