South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley Endorses Marco Rubio

South Carolina governor backs the senator before state's GOP primary.

"I wanted somebody with fight. I wanted somebody with passion. I wanted somebody that had conviction to do the right thing, but I wanted somebody humble enough that remembers that you work for all the people,” she said Wednesday in Chapin, South Carolina.

In a CNN-ORC poll released Wednesday, Rubio garnered 14 percent support compared to 21 for Cruz and 37 for Trump.

Both Haley and Rubio played up veterans’ affairs and the need to rebuild the military while speaking Wednesday.

"I am a military wife of a combat veteran. I want a president who will have the backs of our military veterans and those in active duty," said Haley.

They also drew parallels between their immigrant stories. Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants; Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants.

“I wanted somebody that was going to go and show my parents that the best decision they ever made for their children was coming to America," Haley said.

"I'm disappointed," Bush told reporters Wednesday. "She's a very good governor and should I win the nomination, there will be a role for her in the campaign, trust me. She's a great person.”

Haley had said Tuesday she was still deciding who would snag her support. Rubio had already been endorsed by two other leading South Carolina officials: Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Trey Gowdy.

ABC News' Tom Llamas contributed to this report.

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