South Carolina’s Track Record in Picking Presidents: A Closer Look

GOP's South Carolina primary is Saturday; Democratic primary is Feb 27.

— -- The Republicans hold their primary in South Carolina on Saturday while the Democrats hold theirs a week later on Feb. 27.

Since 1980, the Palmetto State has held its “First in the South” Republican primary. While on the other side of the aisle, Democrats held a caucus before the 1992 presidential primary in South Carolina, and has flip-flopped between holding a primary or a caucus.

While some see the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucus as a way to whittle the field, South Carolina likes to brag that it picks presidents.

While the southern state’s record of picking presidents is a little spotty, South Carolina has a better record of being a GOP kingmaker.

The South Carolina Republican primary has a six-out-of-seven record (not including uncontested primaries) of picking the party’s nominee. And three times, the South Carolina GOP primary winners went on to win the White House -- again not counting uncontested years.

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