Speaker Paul Ryan's Election Year Advice for Young Republicans

Ryan urged young conservatives to remain optimistic.

At a town hall at Georgetown University, Ryan was questioned by one young Republican who said he’s been “very dismayed by this year’s election so far.”

“Why is that?” Ryan asked.

“Unfortunately, this is not the first time I’ve had this question,” Ryan remarked.

The Wisconsin Republican urged his audience to “look at the policies, not the person.”

“It’s the policies that matter so much,” Ryan said.

“In front of you is not just a vote for a person, a political personality, in front of you ... will be a choice between two paths you will have to take,” Ryan continued.

“I would look at the ideas, look at the platform that’s being advanced."

The proposals could be a harder sell to Trump, the current front-runner, who is at odds with Ryan on trade and entitlement reform.