State Department Releases More Than 1,000 Pages of Clinton Emails

More than 44,000 pages have now been released

Combined with the department’s previous document releases –- which totaled 44,818 pages -– the total count of Clinton documents released is now 45,830 pages.

Earlier this week a federal judge ordered the State Department speed up production of Clinton's emails, a process that was supposed to be completed by the end of January. The State Department has said the review is burdensome and time consuming.

The State Department says it is conducting an investigation to determine if any of those "Top Secret" emails should have been marked classified at the time they were sent.

Of the emails released today, 84 had to be upgraded -- most of them to the low "Confidential" level of classified material. Three of them, however, had to be marked "Secret."

Four years later those rebel forces are now being bombed by Russia and Assad and risk losing their stronghold in the north.

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