State Department Disabled Security Features Blocking Clinton's Private Email

New emails show officials removed anti-spam software on the government server.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said that "technicians implemented a series of troubleshooting measures to the department’s system," adding that the adjustments mentioned in the emails are not uncommon and that the department has multiple layers of email security protections.

"To be clear — spam filters were not permanently turned off as this was merely a troubleshooting exercise," Kirby said in a statement to ABC News. “The department has several tools to block spam, only one of which was involved in this troubleshooting exercise.”

The previously unseen emails were released under court order to the conservative legal advocacy group, Judicial Watch, after it sued the State Department for access. The emails had been referenced in last month’s report by the State Department’s inspector general, which concluded Clinton’s use of private email would not have been allowed had she sought approval to use it.

Following much deliberation, the IT staffers at the State Department decided to temporarily disable at least one “anti-spam filter.” After the fixes were made, one staffer wrote, “We view this as a Band-Aid and fear it is not 100% full effective.”

Judicial Watch is expected today to release the deposition transcript of Clinton’s personal IT staffer, Bryan Pagliano, who was interviewed on Wednesday as part of a lawsuit concerning Hillary Clinton’s use of private email. Judicial Watch told ABC it estimates Pagliano plead the Fifth Amendment 125 times.