Next Stop for Presumptive Nominees: Running Mate Picks

Who will the presumptive nominees choose to share the ticket?

On Fox News Sunday, Gingrich called the comments “inexcusable” and yesterday Trump responded, also on Fox News, saying what Gingrich said was “inappropriate."

On Sunday, Corker said on ABC News’ "This Week" that he did not “condone" the comments, but today went further. “He’s got a period of time where he can assess and understand the incredible opportunity that’s before him and he can change directions,” he told ABC News. “If not -– if he starts moving closer to the convention and it’s similar, I think it’s very problematic.“

Even Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, also a top contender based on ABC News reporting and analysis, has been critical, but he was more muted simply calling Trump’s attacks on Curiel “inappropriate."

Trump said Tuesday that his remarks about the judge -- that he may be biased in a pair of cases against the now-shuttered Trump University because of his ethnic background -- were "misconstrued."

"I do not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial, but, based on the rulings that I have received in the Trump University civil case, I feel justified in questioning whether I am receiving a fair trial," Trump said in the statement.

One thing that’s sure is that these shortlists are bound to change as we get closer to both parties’ conventions next month.

ABC News' Jonathan Karl contributed to this report.