Five Stories You'll Care About in Politics This Week

A glimpse at the stories the ABC News political team will be tracking.

Here’s a glimpse at some of the stories the ABC News political team will be tracking in the week ahead:

quicklist:3title:NAME OF LOVEtext:Rudy Giuliani isn’t running for anything, and hasn’t won an election since 1997. But he still knows how to win/lose a news cycle. “I do not believe that the president loves America,” the former New York City mayor declared, prompting days’ worth of sparring with Democrats, and partial walk-backs that may have made things worse for Giuliani. The dust-up evokes memories of the early, birther-infused days of the Obama presidency, and invites uncomfortable questions for 2016ers. The current context is important, too: President Obama is pointedly refusing to call terrorists “Islamic” or “Muslim,” in a semantic decision his critics fear has policy implications. And Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is readying a Washington trip that will expose deep divisions between the U.S. and one of its closest allies on the issue of Iran.

quicklist:5title: RAHMBO: FIRST ROUND PART II text:Mayor Rahm Emanuel has gone a long way toward righting his own political ship in advance of Tuesday’s mayoral election in Chicago. But his best bet at guaranteeing himself a second term would come by securing an outright majority in this first round of voting, thereby avoiding an April runoff. Polls suggest 50 percent is within reach but by no means guaranteed for Emanuel, despite a tumultuous first term marked by a spike in violence and tensions over schools and pensions. The general thinking is that one of Emanuel’s lesser-known rivals could consolidate frustration with the mayor, given a one-on-one shot in a runoff. President Obama recorded a radio ad for his former chief of staff, and dropped by the mayor’s campaign headquarters this past week with the knowledge that Emanuel doesn’t want to face six more weeks of campaigning.