Five Stories You’ll Care About In Politics This Week

Will Obama's "no strategy" comment undermine confidence in the president?

Here’s a glimpse at some of the stories your ABC News political team will be tracking in the week ahead:

quicklist:2title:BORDER BLUSTER text: Impeachment talk? That was so July. The talk of late summer, and maybe the fall, is of a government shutdown. The catalyst is the Obama administration’s public pondering of executive actions regarding undocumented immigrants. With the president eyeing mid-September action that could effectively legalize the status of millions of immigrants, there may be no single political move with a greater potential to scramble midterm politics. On the president’s left are immigration advocates and Latino leaders who are clamoring for more unilateral moves. In the middle are red-state Democrats who see executive action as a political loser and are publicly calling on the president to hold up. And on the right are Republicans, who are sounding alarms that include threatening funding mechanisms, depending on what the president does and when he does it.