'All Clear' After White House Evacuation

W A S H I N G T O N, July 12, 2001 -- The West Wing of the White House was partiallyevacuated for about an hour today after a car parked on thedriveway nearby raised suspicions. Authorities checked forexplosives and found none, and the building was reopened.

"It's all clear," said Secret Service spokesman Tony Ball."It was a false alarm."

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney remained at workinside throughout the check.

While security precautions are always high at the White House,it was perhaps the first time that a portion of the building wasevacuated. The car was parked on the driveway during a Rose Gardenceremony at which Bush discussed Medicare proposals.

People were asked to leave the press office and briefing room ofthe West Wing, the closest offices to the driveway. Offices alsowere evacuated in the Old Executive Office Building, which facesthe driveway.

Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said offices on the north side ofthe White House, the side closest to the vehicle, were evacuated.The Oval Office faces south; Cheney's office is in the middle ofthe West Wing.

Vehicles on the White House grounds are routinely checked bydogs trained to smell materials used in explosives.