Pickett Charged With Assaulting Federal Officer
W A S H I N G T O N, Feb. 9, 2001 -- Federal prosecutors filed an assault chargetoday against a former Internal Revenue Service employee whoallegedly fired a gun outside the White House and was shot by aSecret Service officer.
Robert W. Pickett was charged with assaulting a federal officer,said Channing Phillips, spokesman for the U.S. attorney's office.
Conviction carries a penalty of up to 10 years in jail and a$250,000 fine.
Pickett will be arraigned in U.S. District Court, Phillips said.Prosecutors expect he will remain at George Washington UniversityHospital for treatment through the weekend, and will likely face afederal magistrate early next week.
Note Said Death in IRS Hands
Pickett, 47, was in good condition after a uniformed SecretService officer shot him in the leg Wednesday.
Pickett left a suicide note in his vehicle in addition to apreviously disclosed letter to the IRS that proclaimed, "My deathis on your hands," law enforcement sources said.
The emerging picture of Pickett depicts a troubled man whoadmitted his mental illness in lawsuits against the IRS, yet wasable to pass an instant background check to buy a gun in hishometown of Evansville, Ind.
The law enforcement sources, speaking only on condition ofanonymity, said a suicide-style note was discovered in Pickett'svehicle, found at a commuter rail station in Washington's Virginiasuburbs.
While officials would not quote from the note, Pickett just lastweek wrote the IRS commissioner, contending the U.S. government haddestroyed his life and suggesting he expected to die soon. "Mydeath is on your hands," said the letter. "I have been a victimof corrupt government."
President Bush was listed among thosecopied in on the letter, but it was not known whether he receivedit.
The U.S. attorney's office can request a federal court to orderan initial examination to evaluate Pickett's ability to understandlegal proceedings. The results of that exam could lead to a morecomprehensive, monthlong evaluation.
Authorities said Pickett created tense moments just outside theWhite House wrought-iron fence Wednesday as he waved his gun atpolice and terrified tourists. He apparently fired two shots beforea uniformed officer shot him, police said.
Pickett bought the gun from an Evansville pawn shop a year agoafter passing an instant criminal background check, said DavidSisson, operations manager at Casey's Pawn Shop, who said a Bureauof Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agent linked the gun to his shopthrough a serial number.
No Permit Necessary in Indiana
In Indiana, no permit is necessary to purchase a handgun, butanyone without a permit is required to complete a form for abackground check. Maj. Karen Butt, commander of the Indiana StatePolice records division, said the forms are destroyed after 30 daysbecause of state privacy laws, and there was no record of Pickett'sresponses.
The state form asks: "Have you ever been adjudicated mentallydefective or have you ever been court committed to a mentalinstitution?"
Pickett reached a settlement in 1989 with the IRS, in which theagency dropped an action to fire him and allowed him to resign. TheIRS agreed to provide back pay for a six-week period.
In one court case, Pickett presented his psychologist's letterattesting that he suffered from chronic depression and has beenunder treatment for a long time.
In a lawsuit filed against the IRS in U.S. District Court inEvansville in 1997, Pickett said he "has been hospitalized fivetimes by psychiatrists since August 1986, including twice forattempted suicide by drug overdose, and is currently in therapy."