Transcript of Rep. Vito Fossella's Convention Speech

Aug. 3, 2000 -- New York Rep. Vito Fossella is the great-grandson of one of the lawmakers who first signed Social Security into law. He talked to the Republican National Convention delegates about the system and George W. Bush’s plan to reform it. Read a full transcript of his remarks here.

Rep. Vito Fossella:

I bring greetings from Brooklyn, Staten Island and the great state of New York.

Let me share with you a story. Sixty-five years ago, my great-grandfather, Congressman James O’Leary, held the seat in Congress that I now hold. One of the great things about America is that someone named Vito Fossella could have a great grandfather named O’Leary.

Another great thing about America has been our Social Security system, which I am proud to say my great-grandfather helped to create. He was a man of trust and America still values trust. He had the foresight and the courage to act for my parents and my generation. Now we need a leader who has the same foresight and courage to act for future generations.

That leader is George W. Bush.

Today, America faces the challenge of how to save Social Security. Unless we act, and act now, my young sons, Dylan and Griffin, will not see the promise of Social Security fulfilled. And I refuse to let that happen. We must save Social Security now — or future generations will face certain insecurity later.

Saving Social Security is not a Republican thing or a Democrat thing. It is the right thing. We need someone now who will finally do the RIGHT thing. That someone is George W. Bush.

The facts are powerful. In the early years of Social Security, there were 42 workers for every retiree. Now there are only three.

Not only that, the way that Americans plan for their retirement is also different.

Passbook savings accounts used to be the norm. Now, we have many options. These options reflect the essence of America, the freedom of individuals to save and to invest so that their future is truly secure.

Today, 80 million Americans are investors.

My friends, 80 million Americans can’t be wrong.

We understand the power of freedom. We understand that Americans cherish freedom. We understand that greater freedom leads to greater prosperity. Governor Bush has a plan that ensures benefits for current retirees remain unchanged, and strengthens Social Security for future generations.

George W. Bush understands that the promise of Social Security transcends generations and it must be kept.