Your Rebuttal: Katrina, Oil and 'Ticked' Seniors

Jan. 31, 2006 — -- The strategy in Iraq and fuel costs here in the States were among the issues tackled by President Bush during his State of the Union address. Did he talk about the issues that are high on your mind? Weigh in on our politics message board, or send in a video clip if you have questions about his speech, the clip may be included in an ABC broadcast.

Here's a selection of rebuttal comments that you've sent in to

More of the Same

More of the same old, same old from Bush. For five straight State of the Unions he's talked about energy independence but what has he done about it? Gas and heating costs going through the roof, record profits for the oil companies etc. We have the technology for alternative fuels and it could've been brought to fruition over the past five years if the will and commitment was really there.

Carter talked about energy independence 3 decades ago. The Manhattan Project developed the atomic bomb in less than 4 years. Lots of the same old words from Bush and Cheney, the Texas oil men.

-- hopesprings52

Perfectly on the Mark

His proposals on health care, alternative energy, AIDS research, education, welfare, and others are perfectly on the mark. I for one can't wait until everything he has said is made law.

-- Martin in St. Louis

Hurricane Katrina: Nothing

What About Hurricane Katrina and Rita Victims? Yep. Nothing from the feds before, during, or after the hurricanes.-- margaretsanger

Info I Had Hoped For

Repace 75% of oil imports by 2025 -- this is the kind of bold planning and info I had hoped for.

-- lSteve in Chicago

Plan Is a Good One

Our dependance on foreign oil is becoming a much bigger problem than it was just a few years ago. The President's goal of creating incentives for alternative fuel research and implementation is a good one and government should partner with private industry to move this forward.

-- chablischabliswhiner:

Addiction to Oil, Encouraged?

How can the president speak about our addiction to oil when he and his administration have done everything they can to encourage it? First, to cut spending for alternative fuels and technology that the Clintion administration had put in place. Second, to raise the tax deduction for small businesses from $25000 to $100,000 to purchase vehicles over 1500 lbs. It is hard to believe this new line of rhetoric. -- Scott, West Bend, WI

Nothing About Medicare

Seniors will be ticked, nothing about the medicare part D debacle.

-- kittycago

Create More Jobs

4.6 million jobs created over the past 2 years? Don't we need 5 million each year just to keep pace? All those high school grads, all those college grads, all those 40 year old laid off workers.

-- FareNbalanced:

Invest in America

Let's stop wasting money on a war that can't be won. Put the money into our country. We can't fix other countries until we fix our own.

-- Rachel in Hawaii

Take Better Care

This President needs to get back on the page of taking care of the needs of the American people, such as the people of the Gulf Coast. President Bush seems to be clueless as to what really is needed in the United States.

-- wucs

Trade Imbalance?

Not a Word On Chinese Trade Imbalance or Currency! Nothing! So the Chinese can continue unbridled on sending their goods without playing fair on their Currency … Same old Same Old!

-- Bad_Moon_Arising

Bow for '06

There was clearly a strong political overtone to the speech, all the while he was saying that Washington must overcome partisanship. Repeated use of the words "isolationism," "retreat," and "protectionist," were just the beginning shots across the bow for the '06 election season.

-- MsBesch

Bring This Country Together

It's time that the president and the Congress worked together to bring this country together. So far, they've failed.

-- greatgram39