Coming Up On This Week 6.03.07

George interviews Iraqi President Talabani and Rep. Murtha on 'This Week'.

— -- Coming up on THIS WEEK with George Stephanopoulos this Sunday, June 3, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani joins George for an exclusive interview.

The Iraqi leader met with President Bush in the Oval Office on Thursday and said that the Iraqi government is determined to meet benchmarks issued by the United States. Can they do it and how much longer before Iraqi troops must take over the fight?

In another Sunday exclusive, George will interview Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., a leading anti-war voice in the U.S. Congress. Rep. Murtha will also address the issue of benchmarks and what Congress hopes to hear from Gen. Petreaus in his September report on the status of the surge.

George Will, Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts join George to debate all the week's politics on the roundtable.

And NASCAR driver Kyle Petty discusses the loss of his son Adam and his work to build a summer camp for children with chronic illnesses.

All that plus the "Sunday Funnies" coming up on THIS WEEK.