Conventions welcome corporate cash

WASHINGTON -- Organizers of the Republican and Democratic conventions are offering companies access to power brokers and the chance to lobby them as they try to pick up their fundraising pace a year before the events.

The pitches for corporate sponsorship — such as golf with state and national GOP leaders for $2.5 million — highlight the role unlimited contributions known as "soft money" will play in staging the events.

Minneapolis-St. Paul hosts the GOP; Democrats are in Denver.

The fundraising push comes as efforts to curb the influence of lobbyists and corporate interests are stalled in Congress. The top plans do little to cut ties between lawmakers and corporate interests and don't affect next year's events.

Corporate donations are legal for conventions, but Fred Wertheimer, a critic of the practice and president of the non-partisan watchdog group Democracy 21, said the donations give companies "the opportunity to buy access and influence." In contrast, candidates are limited to raising campaign funds in chunks of $2,300 or less and cannot accept corporate or union cash.

Twin Cities organizer Jeff Larson said the convention fundraising isn't about influence-peddling but helps promote the community.

In Denver, companies donating at least $250,000 can host talks with politicians on issues affecting their industries. Other private events with Democrats such as Rep. Diana DeGette also start at $250,000.

DeGette said contributors aren't gaining special favors: "A reception that donors attend … doesn't in itself show any undue influence."

Molson Coors Brewing is giving $1 million to the Democratic convention. Spokesman Dan Lewis admits the donation gives his company, which also makes ethanol, a chance to lobby. He insists the donation reflects civic pride.

"To have that many decision-makers of any party in your hometown is an opportunity you don't want to pass up," Lewis said.

Corporate funds will pay for roughly 75% of non-security costs; public money will pay the rest. Denver has collected $6 million of its roughly $40 million budget, host committee president Elbra Wedgeworth said. The Twin Cities group has nearly $4 million of its $58 million goal, Larson said.

Corporate donors got access at other conventions: For at least $1 million in 2000, they got a chance to meet GOP nominee George W. Bush, the non-profit Campaign Finance Institute reported.

O'Driscoll reported from Denver