Democrats play hardball -- with risks

WASHINGTON -- As the Democratic nomination race continues in near deadlock, rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are faced with a delicate task: They're trying to hit each other hard enough to win more contests, without turning off the party VIPs likely to make or break their bids.

The trajectory at the moment is sharper attacks and more of them. The Clinton team is now comparing Obama's tactics to those of special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, whose investigation led to former president Bill Clinton's impeachment. Obama, meanwhile, is signaling he's willing to bring up some seamier aspects of the Clinton years.

There are risks for both sides. Several strategists say references to Starr could backfire by reminding Democrats of what they didn't like about the Clinton administration — its scandals. Obama's more aggressive tack after losses in Texas and Ohio could undercut his themes of unity and reconciliation.

Neither candidate is on track to win the delegates needed for the nomination solely from the popular vote, meaning "super delegates" — party leaders and elected officials free to use their judgment — may be decisive. Pollster Mark Mellman, who is neutral, says that reality will keep the rhetoric in check.

"Super delegates are concerned about keeping the party together," he says. "The surest way to alienate them is to run a scorched-earth negative campaign against your opponent."

Obama is criticizing Clinton's health care plan and pressing her to release tax returns that could shed light on Bill Clinton's business dealings. His campaign circulated a Newsday report Thursday about Clinton demanding that her 2000 Senate opponent release his returns.

Senior Clinton adviser Ann Lewis accused Obama of recycling "old Republican attacks." Communications director Howard Wolfson went further: "I, for one, do not believe that imitating Ken Starr is the way to win a Democratic primary election for president."

Obama spokesman Bill Burton called the comparison "absurd." Democratic consultant Bill Carrick, who is neutral, said it was "preposterous" and added: "She runs the risk of reminding people that she's been a very polarizing figure."

Strategist Matt Bennett, a veteran of campaigns since 1988 who is also neutral, said he was shocked by the Starr analogy. "She seems to do well when people think something unfair is happening to her," he said. "I do think they can overplay the victim hand."

Carrick said Obama needs to worry less about "protecting his aura" and more about countering Clinton attacks on his credibility, leadership and experience. "They tried to slough off some of these attacks, ignore them, stay above them. It didn't work," he said.

The Obama team is taking a tougher approach, reflected in campaign manager David Plouffe's description of Clinton this week as "the most secretive politician in America." Obama told Time he'll make sure Clinton doesn't get "a pass" on ethics issues. If she continues to bring up "real estate transactions" and question the character of his donors, he said, "then we will make certain that she has to answer those same questions with respect to herself, her husband and her campaign."

Whitewater was the Clinton real estate deal that triggered the investigation concluded by Starr, whose digging uncovered Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Obama has not brought up those controversies directly. The Clinton team raises questions daily about Obama's relationship with Chicago businessman Tony Rezko, who helped Obama buy a house and now is being tried on corruption charges.

The two camps also are continuing their argument over who Americans should trust in a national security crisis. Clinton started it with her TV ad asking who voters want answering a 3 a.m. phone call at the White House. Obama adviser Susan Rice said Thursday that neither Clinton, Obama nor presumptive GOP nominee John McCain — all senators — has had to answer that call.

"Only a commander in chief has shouldered that burden. And you don't get that experience by being married to a commander in chief," said Rice, an assistant secretary of State for Bill Clinton.

Hillary Clinton appeared with generals Thursday to propose more troops and aid in Afghanistan. Rice said it sounded like what Obama offered last August. There also was one-upmanship on money. Clinton said she had raised $4 million since her Tuesday wins. Obama countered with his February fundraising total: a staggering $55 million, $20 million more than Clinton reported.