Analysis: Debate draws familiar battlelines

— -- Democrat Barack Obama acted as though there was a third man on stage during last night's opening presidential debate: President Bush, whose name he repeated again and again as an ally and ideological predecessor of Republican John McCain.

McCain, in contrast, sometimes spoke as though he was standing on stage alone, dismissing his rival as naive, even dangerously so, on issues ranging from the Iraq war to negotiations with Iran and relations with Russia.

"There are some advantages to experience and knowledge and judgment, and I honestly don't believe that Sen. Obama has the knowledge and judgment" to be president, the Arizona senator said toward the end of their 90-minute encounter at the University of Mississippi. "I don't think I need any on-the-job training."

Obama in turn accused McCain and the Bush administration as being so focused on the Iraq war that "we took our eye off the ball" in Afghanistan and have seen U.S. standing around the world deteriorate. "The next president has got to have a broader strategic vision about all the challenges we face," he said. "That's been missing over the last eight years. That's what I want to restore."

The debate that nearly wasn't — McCain announced only at mid-morning Friday that he would show up — didn't have the sort of knock-out blow or major gaffe likely to reshape the race. Dressed in dark blue suits and red patterned ties, the two candidates reviewed familiar policy differences. Both seemed confident and well informed.

Still, they presented starkly different versions of the choice Americans face in the election.

McCain repeatedly mentioned the foreign lands he had visited and leaders he had met, portraying himself as an experienced hand with a track record. In the opening half hour, which focused on the financial crisis, he emphasized his credentials on fighting spending and holding down taxes.

McCain said he would consider a freeze on federal spending on everything except veterans programs, national defense and entitlements.

Obama, in contrast, offered himself as a someone who would change the country's course, outlining a more activist government on domestic policy and a greater emphasis on diplomacy when it came to foreign policy.

On McCain's suggested spending freeze, he said, "You're using a hatchet when you need a scalpel," and said he wants to spend more on such programs as early childhood education.

The McCain campaign crowed afterward that Obama had eight times said "John was right" about one policy or another. But the Obama campaign counted as one of his best moments when Obama repeatedly said McCain as "wrong" about the Iraq war. "You said it was going to be quick and easy; you were wrong," he said. "You said we were going to be greeted as liberators; you were wrong."

McCain hammered Obama on his greatest weakness: his limited experience that for some raises questions about his qualifications to serve as commander in chief. But Obama never seemed rattled, responding with specific references and giving no quarter to criticism. He even defended his promise in a primary debate to meet with rogue leaders "without preconditions," though he said he would insist on "preparations" before sitting down with someone such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Obama hammered McCain on his greatest vulnerability: the idea that he would offer four more years of Bush policies. McCain never said Bush's name, but in response he characterized himself and running mate Sarah Palin as "mavericks" who were willing to defy party orthodoxy to do the right thing. Three times, he cited Ronald Reagan as a guidepost.

McCain referred to Obama as "senator" and generally directed his comments moderator Jim Lehrer. Obama called McCain "John" and at times spoke directly to his opponent, standing a few feet away at an identical wooden lectern.

In their final remarks — the words they intended to leave with the audience — McCain spoke of his return to the United States after more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. "I know how to heal the wounds of war," he said. "I know how to deal with our adversaries, and I know how to deal with our friends."

Obama spoke of his father's vision of America as a beacon in the world. That's an image that as president he would restore, he said.

The debate, the first of three scheduled, was supposed to focus on foreign policy, but for nearly 40 minutes the topic was the nation's financial meltdown. Both sidestepped questions about whether they would vote for the rescue plan now being negotiated on Capitol Hill, though they agreed action was necessary.

They also dodged questions about what repercussions the bailout, estimated at $700 billion, would affect their other plans as president.

At one point, Obama said there were "a range of things that probably are going to have to be delayed," but then said that his proposed spending on health care, education and infrastructure were crucial to pursue.

McCain took the opportunity to note that Obama had been rated "the most liberal member of the Senate."

Obama replied, "Mostly, that's just me opposing George Bush's wrong-headed policies since I've been in Congress."