Super Tuesday: What's at Stake

This is a huge day for the presidential candidates.


GOPSTATES VOTING: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Vermont


DELEGATE MATH: Trump has a major advantage over the GOP field in terms of delegates, leading Cruz and Rubio by 65 and 64, respectively. A presumptive nominee needs 1,237 to secure the nomination. For Rubio and Cruz, it is not so much about overtaking Trump in delegates as it is about containing his lead. Putnam estimates that if Trump and Cruz want to remain competitive, they will need to keep Trump’s overall lead to a maximum of 250 delegates. That way, he explained, the two can try and carve a path to the nomination through Ohio and Florida, which are winner-take-all contests, with 66 and 99 delegates respectively. In order to contain Trump’s lead, both Rubio and Cruz need to prevent another “South Carolina” situation, where the delegate allocation was proportional but Trump’s resounding victory resulted in him taking all 50 delegates. They have the opportunity to do this in in states like Georgia and Alabama, where they will automatically receive delegates if they get over 20 percent of the vote. And of course, the bigger Cruz’s lead is in Texas, the more delegates he will amass.