Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized Following Coronary Blockage

Doctors discovered a blockage in her coronary artery on Tuesday.

Ginsburg, 81, "experienced discomfort during routine exercise" on Tuesday evening, according to a statement from the Court.

She underwent coronary catheterization procedure at MedStar Washington Center this morning.

The court is set to hear arguments on Monday. According to Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg, "Justice Ginsburg expects to take the bench Monday."

In a recent interview with Yahoo’s Katie Couric, Ginsburg said she’d continue to serve the Court “as long as I can do it full-steam.”

“When I feel myself slipping, when I can no longer think as sharply or write as quickly, that will be the time for me to leave the Court,” she said last summer. "I’m still here and likely to remain for a while."