On who is target of Russia probe’s 1st charges, 'if you’re the person, you know': Christie

"Believe me, if you’re the person, you know," Christie said.

Sources tell ABC News an indictment announcement and arrest could possibly come as soon as Monday.

CNN first reported Friday night that a federal grand jury approved the first charges in the investigation.

Christie said that when he was the chief federal prosecutor in New Jersey he emphasized to his staff the importance of keeping quiet about a grand jury's work.

"'We will prosecute you if we find out you leaked this stuff because we need to have the public have confidence that the grand jury system is secret and, as a result, fair,'" Christie said he warned his staff as U.S. attorney.

The Republican governor and Trump ally also addressed the question of whether the president might issue pardons of anyone who could potentially be convicted in the Russia investigation.

"I’ve never seen the president talk about" the possibility of such pardons, Christie said, adding that no one should count on a presidential pardon, which he said would be “a big step.”