Ted Cruz Completes Sweep of Colorado Delegates

The statewide meeting, which came after Cruz won 21 delegates in congressional district level meetings over the last week, were also marked by missteps and lackluster organizations by rival campaigns.

The Trump campaign's slate of preferred delegates included several incorrect ballot numbers, including one belonging to a delegate who was actually bound to Cruz.

The contest prompted questions from skeptics about the Trump campaign's ability to keep up with Cruz volunteers who had been organizing since August and local precinct level GOP activists who may tend to lean toward Cruz, as well as whether it may be indicative of future struggles at a potential contested convention.

"Utah, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and tonight’s incredible results in Colorado have proven this: Republicans are uniting behind our campaign," Cruz said in a statement, aiming to rally the party behind him in opposition to Trump.

Still, the Trump campaign says they weren't expecting any delegates in Colorado and have a clear path to 1,237 delegates with big wins on the east coast.