Ted Cruz Explains What He Meant by 'New York Values' Ahead of Primary

The GOP candidate made a campaign stop at a restaurant in the Bronx.

“I'm so encouraged after what was a terrific victory yesterday in Wisconsin,” Cruz said, speaking to reporters at a Bronx restaurant.

After being handed a loss last night, Trump’s campaign released a statement accusing Cruz of collusion with the Republican National Committee.

“Ted Cruz is worse than a puppet -- he is a Trojan horse, being used by the party bosses attempting to steal the nomination from Mr. Trump,” the statement read.

The Texas senator responded today to the GOP front-runner, quipping, “Donald can always be counted on to take the high road and demonstrate class.”

“If he wants to engage in insults, he's welcome to do so. He gets very angry when the voters reject him,” Cruz said. “He likes to yell and scream and insult and curse.”

Cruz may be riding a high from his win in the Badger State but he sits low in the latest New York poll conducted by Quinnipiac University -- 36 percentage points behind Trump.

Speaking to reporters at Sabrosura 2, a restaurant that celebrates the culinary traditions of China and Latin America, Cruz was asked to clarify what he meant at a previous debate when he said Trump embodied “New York values.”

Cruz said that many New Yorkers know what he means when he says “New York” values. He referenced the faith leaders and pastors he was meeting with today. State Sen. Ruben Diaz, a Democrat, helped organize a meeting between Cruz and the faith leaders at the restaurant. Diaz has not endorsed anybody but has offered to help Cruz, a campaign aide told ABC News.