Ted Cruz Super PAC to Run Super Bowl Ad in South Carolina

Keep The Promise I to air Super Bowl ad as part of effort in South Carolina.

Keep The Promise I said it paid $465,500 to air two television ads in South Carolina in the run-up to the state’s primary on Feb. 20. During Sunday's Super Bowl, an ad called “Leadership” will air in the state.

“We believe South Carolina is prime real estate for voters looking for a solid leader with experience and grit, who isn’t afraid to stand up for his principles, answer the tough questions, and has a conservative playbook ready to deploy from Day one,” Conway said.

A super PAC supporting Rubio released an ad late last month depicting Cruz as fickle. His campaign has also handed out calculators at Cruz's campaign stops in New Hampshire in an attempt to describe him as calculated.

"He's willing to do anything to win this election," Rubio said of Cruz last week.

Cruz has said that Rubio's third place finish in Iowa has been treated as a victory by the media.

"That's an odd collection of words. 'Impressive 3rd place finish.' Usually those don’t go together, but yet in the media’s telling, bronze is the new gold," said Cruz at a town hall in Nashua, N.H., last week.