Ted Cruz Takes Questions Live on 'Good Morning America'

The Texas senator is campaigning in New York.

"Donald is not a complicated man to understand,” Cruz said today. “He doesn't handle losing well.”

He fielded questions from a group of registered Republicans, talking about guns, religious liberty and so-called New York values.

When asked about the phrase, which Cruz used in campaign ads against Trump and while campaigning in South Carolina, Cruz said he was repurposing a phrase that he claims Trump himself used during an interview in the late-1990s.

Trump said in a 1999 interview that "I hate the concept of abortion ... but still I just believe in choice," then suggesting that his stances of social issues were shaped by his New York City upbringing.

"It may be a little bit of a New York background," Trump explained in the televised interview.

Cruz's wife Heidi also joined the conversation, talking about her interests in business and politics started at a young age when she and her brother started a bread business. She noted that during that period, she realized that "regulators" caused difficulty for small businesses, like her "thriving bread business."

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