Texas Rep. Castro, Mulling Senate Run, Slams Ted Cruz

Joaquin Castro may challenge Cruz for his Senate seat in 2018.

“Many Texans have been extremely disappointed in Ted, in his leadership,” Castro told ABC News. “Ted doesn’t work for Texas, he works for Ted.”

Texans haven’t sent a Democrat to the Senate in more than 20 years, but Castro said they “want somebody in there who is not spending every day figuring out where in Iowa they’re going to visit.”

“He is somebody who went to Washington and made it worse,” Castro said of Cruz.

The ambitious San Antonio Democrat, whose future has been an object of speculation among the party faithful gathered in Philadelphia, said he’ll decide in the next couple of months whether to run for the Senate.

“Folks have asked him this week, ‘Hey, were you disappointed that you didn’t become VP?’ How could you not be disappointed that you’re not on a ticket like that?”