Texas State Results Election 2016

— -- Texas holds its Democratic and Republican primaries on March 1, 2016. 251 delegates are at stake for the Democrats and 155 delegates for the Republicans. Texas is the state Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz represents in the U.S. Senate. The Lone Star state has not voted Democratic in presidential general elections since 1976.

Election results are refreshed automatically every 30 seconds after polls close at 9 p.m. ET. There is no need to refresh the page to see the latest data.

Why The State Is Significant:

• Because of the significant number of delegates, the Lone Star State is seen as the most important Super Tuesday state by both parties. Up until Super Tuesday, it represents the highest number of delegates at stake for both parties in the primaries and caucuses.

• While it is possible to win the presidential nomination for either party without winning Texas, it seems to help. Mitt Romney won the 2012 Texas GOP primary, with 69 percent of the votes, and eventually the Republican nomination. And in 2008, John McCain won the GOP primary by more than 13.4 percentage points, and eventually the Republican nomination. Hillary Clinton, though, won the 2008 Democratic Texas primary, but lost the party's nomination to Barack Obama.

Fast Facts:

• Texas is an open primary: Voters are able to choose whether they want to participate in the Republican or Democratic primary. And the first time in a presidential election, Texas is requiring voters to present a photo ID.

• All eyes may be on Super Tuesday, but 1.1 million Texans took advantage of early voting between Feb. 16-26 -- that's a sizeable increase from 2012, when 565,538 headed to the polls during the early voting period, according to the Texas Secretary of State.