Tim Kaine Attacks Donald Trump's Foreign Ties: 'Something Strange Is Going On'

"Something strange is going on," said Tim Kaine, Clinton's running mate.

Kaine made the remarks in a lengthy attack of Trump today during a speech in Erie, Pennsylvania. Kaine focused the speech on hitting Trump for his refusal to release his tax returns, disclose his medical health records and reveal his debts and foreign business dealings.

"This past March at a Republican debate, Trump was talking about his business acumen. And he said that he is the midst of making about 120 foreign deals -- 120 foreign deals. That’s 120 potential conflicts of interest, 120 opportunities for business elsewhere or governments elsewhere to influence what he might do as president,” Kaine said.

“He is also more in debt including to the state owned Bank of China. Now, Donald will say he’s going to hold China to account. How can he do that when his accounts to China are in the red?” Kaine said.

"As long as he keeps hiding his tax returns, we have no idea how he might stand to profit from Russia or what they might be holding over him. All we know is that something strange is going on,” Kaine said.

Kaine asked if Trump would stand up to cyberattacks from Russia, particularly ones that interfered in the United States' electoral process. The question flipped a narrative floated on the trail by Trump that a Clinton victory in November could signal the election was “rigged.”

"And just imagine if Russia were to engage in a cyberattack to destabilize the American electoral process, as it has done with other nations. Would President Trump stand up to them?” Kaine asked. "We actually know the answer to that one already, because Trump has publicly encouraged Russia to commit espionage and hack his political rivals."

"Can I give you an up close and personal on this?” Kaine asked the audience of more than 300 people. "She has been running on full speed for 17 months. I can tell you, Hillary Clinton is one tough and one healthy person. Very, very tough, and very, very healthy."

Kaine said that Trump himself was the candidate who seemed to have something to hide, referencing an NBC interview with Trump's doctor who claimed he wrote a note praising Trump's health in five minutes.

"The Trump campaign just feels like Trump’s next big con," Kaine said. "He’s hiding his tax return, he’s hiding his financial bill of health, he’s trying to cover up his web of foreign engagements and conflicts of interest. And he won’t even release credible information about his health."

"Donald Trump, it's time for you to come clean," Kaine said.