Tim Kaine on Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky: 'I Had Some Feelings of Disappointment'

Hillary Clinton's VP pick says Bill Clinton, Lewinsky scandal disappointed him.

Kaine discussed the scandal after the Daily Beast published a report claiming that Kaine had indicated in 2002 that Bill Clinton should have resigned over the Lewinsky scandal. The Daily Beast article claimed as proof news articles from 2002 that included quotes by Kaine discussing Clinton and Lewinsky.

Asked in an interview Thursday about the veracity of the Daily Beast report, Kaine told ABC affiliate KWWL in eastern Iowa, "It was not inaccurate. That's true."

But, he said, "There is no reason to relitigate problems of 20 years ago when Americans want to talk about what do we do today and tomorrow."

In a separate interview, Kaine told ABC affiliate KCRG in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that he had felt disappointed by the former president's behavior.

"I had some feelings of disappointment back then, but you know that's now 20 years old and when I’m talking to people on the campaign trail they are not asking me about old controversies. They are asking me about tomorrow, what are we going to do tomorrow to have an economy that works for people," Kaine said. "I hear a lot: 'What are we going to do to make sure we have a community that respects all?' So, past controversies aren't that important to me now."

Kaine was asked if his feelings on the matter had changed.

"It was a feeling I had at the time, but now I’m thinking about what do we do to help this country be strong," Kaine told KCRG.