The Time That Donald Trump Visited a Class of First-Graders

Trump took a tour of the International Christians Academy in Las Vegas..

— -- He went from the boardroom to the classroom.

“Look who’s here — Mr. Trump!” the teacher said to the class of young students on Wednesday.

“Are they all great students?” Trump said, walking into the classroom. “Great student,” Trump said, pointing to a young boy staring up at him.

Reaction from the children was mixed as the Republican presidential nominee greeted the class.

“Hello, Mr. Trump,” one young student said.

“I’m nervous. I’m nervous,” another can be heard saying over and over again.

“See, I told you his hair wasn’t orange,” said one.

Trump posed a question. “Does everybody love school?” he asked.

“Yes,” the kids responded in a chorus, with one daring student replying with an honest “No.”

“Who’s the best student?” Trump asked. A few hands shot up.

But he evidently knew better than to pick winners and losers.

“Everybody!” he exclaimed.