Why the US Is Spending $374, 087 to Study Seniors’ Dating Habits

Sen. James Lankford is out with a new list of what he says is wasteful spending.

— -- It’s the most wonderful time of the year -- especially for Congressional spending hawks.

“While the lucky guests of this palatial hotel will be awestruck by its glitz and glamour, taxpayers are unlikely to be amused that they helped foot the bill through a $40 million tax credit thanks to the National Historic Tax Credit,” Lankford wrote.

Here’s a look at a few other spending items that made the list:

Thousands Researching Seniors’ Romancing

“Longer life expectancies and high divorce rates have contributed to a new social reality in which older adults (i.e., age 60+) increasingly find themselves unpartnered and searching for companionship. ... Results from this study will be informative for improving happiness and health throughout the lifespan.”

Shakespeare, Only Without the Words

Lankford’s list singles out a Northern Virginia theater that has received almost $200,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts over the past four years: the Synetic Theater in Arlington, which frequently stages wordless adaptations of William Shakespeare plays.

“William Shakespeare was lauded for many things: his meter, his verse, his complicated characters. Generations of families have come together to enjoy productions of Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays. ... But was Polonius right in Hamlet when he said, ‘Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice’? Lankford asks in his “Fumbles” list. But the Synetic Theater says it’s only spent $35,000 in federal funds on silent Shakespeare performances in its 15-year history. And the theater also defended the art form. “Our angle is different but still valuable as we use traditional physical techniques that are at the root of all theatre,” the theater’s marketing manager Alysa Turner said in an email to ABC News.

Latest Pentagon Target: A Bird?

“DOD should be in the business of defense, not nature conservancy,” the report says. A representative for the gnatcatcher research program could not immediately be reached by ABC News.