Top Trump Adviser Jeff Sessions Says Campaign 'Is Not Over'

The public agrees with Trump on trade and national security, Sessions said.

“You’ve had this whole morning talking about nothing but negative on the Trump campaign,” Sessions said on ABC's "This Week." “This is the kind of thing that does build on itself, and has, I think, made mountains out of molehills."

A New York Times story published Saturday claims the Republican nominee’s advisers are struggling to get him to adjust his tone and rhetoric and that he is "beyond coaching."

Trump denied the story this morning in a tweet: “The failing @nytimes, which never spoke to me, keeps saying that I am saying to advisers that I will change. False, I am who I am-never said."

Sessions noted he had not read the New York Times story, but said he believes Trump still has a "good chance of winning" the election in November. "And that's because the issues are what the American people believe in, and he's right and they are right."

Sessions also said Trump has been "wrestling" with how to communicate in the general election.

Sessions also responded to Donald Trump's statement this week that the only way he could lose the swing state of Pennsylvania to Hillary Clinton "is if cheating goes on." Sessions said there is "cheating in every election," and that too much has been read into the Republican nominee's comment.

"What he was saying is, it's going to be a very close election. He believes he's going to win Pennsylvania," Sessions said.