Transcript: 10 Freshmen Lawmakers Talk With Diane Sawyer

Newly-elected Tea Party members talk about their hopes for Congress.

Jan. 05 , 2010 — -- DIANE SAWYER:Welcome. Here you are. Can you believe it? Anybody-- anybody still a little stunned?

FRANK GUINTA:I think we're ready to go.


FRANK GUINTA:We're-- we're anxious to get to work.

DIANE SAWYER:All right. Let me do something. I just want to go around each of you and ask you to give me the one word that best expresses what you felt when you walked in knowing you were here.

FRANK GUINTA:Conviction.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:I'd say humbled.

RAND PAUL:The imminence of the problems.

MIKE LEE:Expensive. (LAUGH)

DIANE SAWYER:You mean as in--

MIKE LEE:Washington is expensive. (LAUGH)

MIKE LEE:It costs the American People a lot of money.


SCOTT TIPTON:I'd say humility.


PAUL GOSAR:Energized.

MICHAEL GRIMM:Responsibility.

MO BROOKS:Gravity. As in the gravity of the situation that we face as a country.

TIM HUELSKAMP:Probably humility.

DIANE SAWYER:So, where-- who's gonna live in their office? (LAUGH) We read that some of you are gonna be sleeping in your offices?



MALE VOICE:My wife said--


PAUL GOSAR:I am. (LAUGH) I'm one of the sleepers. (LAUGH)

DIANE SAWYER:And have you got your-- one of-- what do you have? A sleeping bag? A sofa?

PAUL GOSAR:I've got this little small pup tent-- I-- no, I'm just kidding. No, blowup mattress. They work out very, very well.

DIANE SAWYER:You're gonna do this the whole time?

PAUL GOSAR:Start out right now. And get up my feelings for the-- the job. I-- I usually-- go to bed late and get up early. So, I'm one of those strange people. So, hey. Cater to my-- to my little whims.

DIANE SAWYER:And-- what-- you're-- you're the second dentist, yes?

PAUL GOSAR:I'm-- I'm the second dentist currently. John Lender (PH) was also a dentist and so was Charlie Norwood (PH). But John Lender just retired. So, I-- I am one of the-- a fearsome duo.

DIANE SAWYER:Because we've been-- we've been marveling and-- and-- telling everyone about the great variety, the infinite variety of people arriving in Congress now. From all walks of life. And it strikes me there are two dentists, two ophthalmologists?

RAND PAUL:I think so.

DIANE SAWYER:So, you've got-- you've got more than a quorum here. (LAUGH)

RAND PAUL:I think we need more people from different walks of life. I think-- we need more people that have been outside of government service. I think one of the interesting things in the Senate is-- is that we have several people who have never held office before. I've never been in any office. In fact, I joked that I ran for student council in the sixth grade and was defeated and was demoralized and never ran again till I ran for the U.S. Senate. I think Mike has not held office before.

MIKE:That's right.

DIANE SAWYER:So, you were-- and you've been talking about the fact that you bring a completely different perspective. I think you said— Doctor Gosar - at one point that you don't speak foreign languages, but you speak hick?


DIANE SAWYER:Can you say a word in hick for us?

PAUL GOSAR:We don't want to go there. (LAUGH)

DIANE SAWYER:So, anybody surprised yet? Anybody encountered something you truly did not expect?

TIM HUELSKAMP:Diane, I guess I was surprised by the gravity of the situation and seemingly the lack of a crisis response. When you look at $14 trillion of debt and all of the problems in this country. And-- and-- things seem status quo around here. So, I-- I guess that surprised me.

DIANE SAWYER:I was-- I-- I read that you had said there doesn't seem to be enough sense of urgency. From whom? From the re-- the leadership? Even the Republican leadership? From whom?

TIM HUELSKAMP:No, just Wa-- Washington in general. I mean, the American People are ready for some changes. And-- they expect that-- to be delivered. And-- and-- you know, one party was thrown out. And-- and-- they're expecting us to-- to make a difference. And-- so, to see the lack of urgency amongst the people already here was-- was surprising in a way to me.

DIANE SAWYER:I want to ask about some of the first encounters, for instance. To-- the Constitution will be read. How many of you carry-- can you just raise your hand. How many people carry a Constitution with you?

FRANK GIUNTA:Got mine right here.


DIANE SAWYER:And is there a passage of it you're waiting most to be read?

MIKE LEE:I think the part that needs to be read the most is Article I, Section 8. Read in tandem with the Tenth Amendment. It's Article I, Section 8, together with the Tenth Amendment that tells us basically what Congress's powers are. And everything on that list is something Congress can and should do. And for the most part, if it's not in Article I, Section 8, odds are pretty good Congress doesn't really have the authority to do it. Or it's using a really expansive interpretation of one of its integrated powers in order to try to do that.


And-- and a good point about it is-- is, you know, there was a writer from a prominent network recently who said, "Oh, the Constitution's written over 100 years ago, we couldn't possibly understand it." The thing is, is recently-- and this is not an arcane subject. Obamacare passed, the health care takeover passed, and we have a federal judge who says that the commerce clause doesn't allow this. The commerce clause is an important part of the Constitution, but it doesn't mean anything.

And the-- the judge says that inactivity is not commerce. Because if inactivity, me not doing anything, choosing not to buy insurance, if that's commerce, they can regulate anything. My walking, my breathing, my talking. If they can regulate inactivity. So, it's important that we know about the Constitution.

DIANE SAWYER:The New York Times, Senator, said that you felt that the New York Times-- that the Constitution, not the New York Times (LAUGH) actually had a divine quality. That was their words. Is that--

MIKE LEE:I-- I believe the Constitution was written by wise men. And I believe that they were raised up by divine providence to that very purpose. They came at a particular place and time in history when-- ev-- events were right for limited self government here in America. And-- it's-- it's something that we need to respect. Just like all of our laws. But it's our law of laws and we've gotta respect it and we have to honor it.

And among its most prominent attributes. And I think first and foremost among them is the concept that our founding fathers did not want a centralized national government with general police powers. With the power to regulate on any subject.

DIANE SAWYER:So-- have you come here to storm the place? (LAUGH) Right word? What's the verb?

MARLIN STUTZMAN:You know, I was surprised that the Constitution had not been read in Congress for so long. And that this is really almost setting precedent. And I think it's about time. Because, you know, I-- I consider myself a constitutional conservative. Serving in the state legislature, I-- I have seen and experienced what the federal government does to the states. And they continue to tie our hands.

SCOTT TIPTON:I think a lot of the purpose actually is to bring really just restore some common sense back to Washington. You know, coming from rural Colorado, you see an overreach of government into our daily lives. And-- I think that-- you know, a lot of people will point to the Constitution-- the Constitution speaks to common sense. And that's what people expect to see out of government. They want the opportunity to be able to lead their lives and to be able to build for their futures without unnecessary interference coming out of Washington.

MICHAEL GRIMM:I also think it's an important to look at the framers point of view when they were drafting the Constitution. Yes, there was a tremendous amount of wisdom, but they also had something to look at. They looked at the way England was doing business and they said, "What's wrong? What's broken? And let's write a document so that our government doesn't make these mistakes." And they put in safeguards to prevent the United States from having the problems that almighty England had. And the irony of it is that we've gotten away from the Constitution. We stopped respecting the way we were founded and sure enough, we're having some of those exact problems.

DIANE SAWYER:A couple of questions-- again about this first experience. Some of you, not all of you for sure-- come in as Tea Party candidates. How many of you, in this moment, feel you're Tea Party first, Republican second?

FRANK GUINTA:I feel I'm American first. And that I'm here to reflect and represent New Hampshire. And to change the direction of the nation. And I'm proud that I've got so many supporters, whether they're Tea Party members or Republicans or independents as New Hampshire is so well known for. Sending me here to do a job and to be effective in doing that job.

DIANE SAWYER:And American first, Tea Party second?

VICKY HARTZLER:Well, I'm a member of the fourth district of Missouri. And we just believe it's common sense to have limited government and lower taxes. And-- we were maybe Tea Party before Tea Party was cool. We don't see a divide. It's just-- the common sense. It's the way that we're supposed to be.

DIANE SAWYER:And one more question about arriving. Have you found everything yet? (LAUGH) Bathrooms?

MALE VOICE:Certainly not.




VICKY HARTZLER:I need a map of the tunnels.

MICHAEL GRIMM:Yeah, the capital police are exceptionally good at-- pointing us in the right direction. So, they've been wonderful. Extremely gracious. And I'm always turned around. I have a bad sense of direction to begin with. But when I got here, the first thing I did was find one of the-- the men or women in blue and said, "Hey, where do I go-- for this?" And-- and they've been great. So, they-- they're a big help for us. Big help. (UNINTEL PHRASE).

DIANE SAWYER:And you were saying that-- that the-- that the parking lot costs more than--

MO BROOKS:Well, in shopping, my wife and I decided that we were going to live here-- in addition to sustain a home back in-- the Tennessee valley-- of Alabama. And we were surprised to discover that to buy a place where you can park your car cost more than our first house. That was remarkable.

DIANE SAWYER:So-- any of you run into-- to former Speaker Pelosi yet?

MARLIN STUTZMAN:I was actually sworn in November 16th because of a special election. And-- was sworn in on November 16th and met her then. And-- so, I was-- had the experience of serving through the lame duck session.

DIANE SAWYER:So, many of you campaigned against her. What's the first word going to be when you see her?

MO BROOKS:My first word will be, "Hi." (LAUGH) You know, we--

DIANE SAWYER:But what's your first thought gonna be after campaigning against her so hard?

MO BROOKS:Well, it's professional.

DIANE SAWYER:Which you really did.

MO BROOKS:It's-- it's not personal. She has a different ideology. It's not an ideology we share. It's not an ideology that we believe is in the best interest of America. But she's entitled to her ideological beliefs. But that's on a professional level. On a personal level, I'll be happy to go out with-- to lunch with her. Chat with her. But we're gonna fight pretty hard when it comes down to some of the basic beliefs that we have. Whether we're gonna be socialists, for example, or believe in the free enterprise system. Those are basic tenets. And I think everybody here who was elected and the Republican side, we have a common understanding of where we're coming from and where our country needs to go.


RAND PAUL:I was just gonna interject that-- that's-- I had one chance to speak with the President. And I told him that from one who is seen as being associated with the Tea Party, I want to make sure he knows that I want a civil discourse. Because sometimes in the media, they've portrayed 100,000 people at a crowd and one guy with a mean sign towards the President. That's not me holding that sign or any of these people. We want a polite discussion. And we disagree. And it can be very strong disagreement. And his response was, "Yeah, we can disagree and not be disagreeable." And I agree completely.

DIANE SAWYER:In fact, I read that your children would like to meet the Obama daughters?

RAND PAUL:We're still workin' on that. We would love to. Yes.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:I think that's one thing that, you know, we all need to remember is that, you know, politics, even though it's been really rough, is that we are all human beings first. And that it is more important for us to have civil dialogue. And you know what? I'm conservative, but I'm not mad about it. I-- I can do it with a smile on my face. And we can have civil discourse. And we can realize that there are some points, we are gonna just disagree upon. And that's-- that's okay, but hopefully--

DIANE SAWYER:But Senator, there was a sense that everybody had come to storm the place. I-- I mean--

MIKE LEE:I-- I couldn't disagree more. I could not disagree more. The-- the idea behind the Tea Party Movement is neither partisan nor is it angry. I think it's-- it's widely been misunderstood and in some cases, unfortunately, it's been deliberately misrepresented.

DIANE SAWYER:But are you gonna disappoint a lot of people out there who wanted you to be angry?

MIKE LEE:No, they don't want us to be angry, Diane. What they want--

DIANE SAWYER:Righteously--

MIKE LEE:--is for us to stand for the proposition--

DIANE SAWYER:--in their view.

MIKE LEE:--that the federal government is too big and it's too expensive. Because it's trying to do too many things. It's trying to tell us where to go to the doctor and how to pay for it. It's not supposed to do that. They want that problem fixed. It's that simple. It's that free of emotion. Except to the extent that they want something done.

RAND PAUL:And I would call it concern not anger. We're concerned about the debt. We're worried about the debt. But we're not angry about anything.

MICHAEL GRIMM:I don't think we're angry, but I-- I do think that the people of the United States have been angry. And for the right reasons. The bottom line is our government hasn't listened. Our government hasn't followed through on the promises that they made. We haven't done the things we were supposed to do. We didn't act responsibly or prudently. And the people were angry-- angry. But what-- they're not looking for anger now. I think one of the mandates that the people of the United States-- and it's much bigger than the Tea Party. The Tea Party seems to be the face of what I would say the average American that's not usually involved in politics. And that's what you see in my grassroots campaign. They want us to work together. A one party system doesn't work. We've just seen that.

DIANE SAWYER: Let's talk -

MICHAEL GRIMM:They want us to work together and we have to.

DIANE SAWYER:Okay, let's talk substantively about what's gonna be awaiting you very soon. You've got two big votes on the economy. You've got the continuing resolution on the budget. And then you've got the debt ceiling. Can I just ask again for a show of hands, this is so important to people, how many of you are gonna vote in favor of the continuing resolution on the budget?

SCOTT TIPTON:No, I think we're gonna first of all have to actually--


SCOTT TIPTON:--see what leadership is going to do. We weren't here to do business as usual. We're going to have to stand up. We want to see real changes. That-- we're going to be reducing the size of government. Reducing spending in Washington. And-- can't speak for anyone else, but you will not be a rubber stamp for business as usual in Washington, because that is not the message that was sent in this last election.

RAND PAUL:And appropriations need to go through committee. They've got to go through a committee process. It makes absolutely no sense to throw four trillion dollars worth of spending out there and not deliberate. It's supposed to be here in the committee. You go through it and you deliberate on these things. And then you vote on them. We should have a chance to introduce spending cuts.

DIANE SAWYER:But coming into-- pledging to cut $100 billion in the first year, it's comin' up in February and March. Is it gonna start there? And how much are you gonna hold out?

FRANK GUINTA:Well, I think that's just the start of where we need to reshape and retool the size and scope and cost of the federal government. You know, I think one principle that every American should agree with is that we will not spend more than we take in. Our families have to live by that.

DIANE SAWYER:But it's the first budget that you have to approve with a continuing resolution, because of historic reasons. Is this one? Will you approve it and say then we start day after?

FRANK GUINTA:Well, I think it really depends on what is in that continuing resolution.

MO BROOKS:We haven't seen it yet. We really need to see it. See the details. And decide whether that's in accord with our philosophy of government. If it is, we'll support it. If it's not, we won't.


PAUL GOSAR:And I also think it comes with conditions. Is that you never agree to anything until you've set benchmarks. Because this is something that's been growing over time. And it's not going to be cured right away. So, we have to look at what created this problem and set benchmarks that, "Okay, if I do this, I want the following things to be met." And then we'll go down the road again. And that-- we want to teach America that we can do this incrementally and get back on a financial path--

DIANE SAWYER:Is this called compromise?

MICHAEL GRIMM:Sure. But that-- and that that's-- th-- of course, there's compromise. But the reality is that the problem is in challenges that we're facing as a nation are almost insurmountable. And the-- the success of this Congress, in my opinion, is going to be on how we articulate and-- and have a discussion with the American People. Is it open? Is it honest? Do we tell them how difficult this is gonna be? If we do it behind closed doors and force things upon them that they have no say and no one knows what's really happening, then we failed.

DIANE SAWYER:What collectively-- and I know this is hard to do as a group discussion, if you're tell-- saying to everybody out there, "Here's the biggest thing we're gonna cut right away. The first big thing we're gonna cut. Now." What will it be?

VICKY HARTZLER:I think that we need to restore all spending levels to the 2008 level, across the board. We need to make sure that the stimulus funds that are unallocated are not spent. Those would just stop-- immediately and save us a lot of money right there.

RAND PAUL:You save probably $100 billion by goin' back to 2008 levels. There's an astronomic increase in spending from 2008 to the present. So, that saves $100 billion right there.

DIANE SAWYER:But just in the paper this morning, the budget advisor at the White House said-- that is inevitably going to mean federal assistance for teacher pay. It will mean cutting 20 to 40,000 teachers. You're gonna have…

FRANK GUINTA:That's typical. This is typical Washington speak. Okay? We are here to represent and reflect the values of the country. And the country has said very directly, "Stop the spending. Restore-- a smaller sense and size of government." And we have that obligation--

DIANE SAWYER:That takes us--

FRANK GUINTA:--to do that.

DIANE SAWYER:--to the debt ceiling. And as we know the-- there is now $400 billion left before the United States crashes against the top of the debt ceiling. And if the debt ceiling isn't raised, Austan Goolsby just said-- the advisor at the White House just said it will be catastrophic. That it will be the first time in history that there will be a default by the United States caused by--

MARLIN STUTZMAN:It doesn't have to happen. I mean, I-- I'm a small business owner. And all of a sudden the bank comes to me. And all of a sudden the bank comes to me and says, "We're not giving you any more money." You know what I go out and do? I go out and I start liquidating. I find things that I don't have to-- that I don't need and I sell it. I go out and I find expenditures that are too big. I find ways to-- to minimize it.

DIANE SAWYER:But can I ask for a show of hands again. How many of you are going to vote against--

MIKE LEE:I don't think you can ask that question in the abstract. I don't think we can answer that without knowing whether it's part of a deal to enact a balanced budget amendment. I personally think that's the answer. We're going right now in the same direction that we were going in, you know-- after the original Tea Party movement in 1773. Where Americans proclaimed what they did not want from their national government. It took 'em 14 years to get to 1787, where they went to Philadelphia and proclaimed what they did want.


MALE VOICE:That's where we are.

DIANE SAWYER:--condition for the rest of you? A balanced budget amendment?

MO BROOKS:If there's a balanced budget Constitutional Amendment that is tied to the debt ceiling, I will vote to increase the debt ceiling under those conditions. But we have to make progress. This unsustainable deficit that we are incurring on an annual basis is the greatest national security threat, in my judgment, that America faces.

PAUL GOSAR:And Diane, it's not just-- it's not just the balanced budget act. It's-- it's setting the benchmarks and a timetable. We just—it was brought over here that we were talking about businesses. And-- and there are certain things you want to do in a qual-- collaborative aspect. Saying, "We'll do this given this. And you must perform this by this date." And I think that's what-- the American People have really wanted.

DIANE SAWYER:Senator DeMint-- DeMint--

MALE VOICE:And it know they're saying--

DIANE SAWYER:--said this is the time for a showdown. This is the big showdown.

VICKY HARTZLER:There's got to be--

DIANE SAWYER:Is this the big showdown?

VICKY HARTZLER:There's got to be a time where you say no. Where you say no more. We've got to get our house in order.


DIANE SAWYER:--saying it would be catastrophic to--

RAND PAUL:But they present it as a false choice. The advisor to the President says, "Either you raise the debt ceiling or catastrophe happens." What about we spend what we take in? What about what we were talking about? Is there not a third way?

MALE VOICE:I think it's--

DIANE SAWYER:But you're talking--

RAND PAUL:What if we start tomorrow and say, "We--" you know how much money we bring in? We bring in $200 billion a month. Let's spend what we bring in. Spend what you have.

DIANE SAWYER:But are you talking about trying to cut $400 billion by March?

MICHAEL GRIMM:Start doing it. You start only spending what--


MICHAEL GRIMM:--process. This is-- again, it-- it's no different than every American that takes care of their household. Somehow they figure out a way to support their children. To put food on the table. To pay for their car. To pay for their mortgage or their rent. They figure out how to do that.


MALE VOICE:Then Congress needs to do the same.

DIANE SAWYER:Can I ask it another way? Anybody here gonna vote and say, "Yes, I'm going to vote for the debt ceiling and lifting the debt ceiling, because it would be cataclysmic not to"?

PAUL GOSAR:I can't-- that's a question that has to be redefined. Because I'm not willing to look at that unless I see benchmarks and I'm given some concessions as to when those benchmarks will happen.

DIANE SAWYER:What do you think about what Speaker Boehner said in the New Yorker? And he said, "This is the first really big adult moment."

MIKE LEE:What-- what about the adult moment when-- then Senator Barack Obama faced. Which-- as I recall, when he was asked to vote to raise the national debt ceiling a few years ago, he voted no. He said it would be irresponsible. So, why is it all of a sudden cataclysmic to vote no just because he's President?

DIANE SAWYER:But what about those of you in the House? What did you think about Senator Boehner saying this is the first big adult moment. And he went on to say, "This is going to be difficult, but serious problems would exist if we don't raise the debt ceiling. That's the bottom line."

MALE VOICE:Well, he--

DIANE SAWYER:"Serious problem."

MICHAEL GRIMM:There's no way to avoid that. I mean, that's absolutely true. If America defaults on its obligations-- loses our-- you know, triple A rating and so on. There are extreme consequences to that. But again, I think it's a process. This is-- this is not-- we can't just define it as a simple yes/no.

DIANE SAWYER:How did you feel about the phrase "adult moment"?

MALE VOICE:I think it's--

PAUL GOSAR:I love that "adult--"

PAUL GOSAR:I love the adult moment. Because adults when they sit talking about budgets, they look at it consequentially. And look at, okay, "I'm in a hole. Here's how I get out of the hole." And we look at it very constructively to come to a solution. And it's never an all or one. Sometimes that occurs. But that's not where we're at.


DIANE SAWYER:--to you. Someone--

MALE VOICE:I think the adult--

DIANE SAWYER:--they seem to be talking to you as a principle--

SCOTT TIPTON:I think it probably goes back to really-- your comment earlier that-- hey, we're facing a crisis. I think-- Speaker Elect Boehner's concept that we-- have to deal with this like adults, because we've had a crisis mentality-- that we've been living under as a country if we don't do this. And it's always more money and bigger government.



MICHAEL GRIMM:--differently altogether.


MICHAEL GRIMM:I looked at it as the Congress as a whole has been anything but responsible. We've become addicted to borrowing and spending. And an adult when-- when you have a child that is-- whether it be not studying. Whether it be doing whatever is inappropriate that is not gonna advance their future, the adult steps in and says, "We can't do this anymore." And you explain why to the child. And you try to help that child along. That's what we need to do here in Congress. The-- the addiction to borrowing and spending needs to stop. And that's an adult-- that's-- and that's not an easy thing to do, because let's be honest. We are addicted to spending.


DIANE SAWYER:As you know the Democrats have been citing a couple of examples that they say, "Hey, this is hypocrisy." For instance, farm subsidies. As we know, Congressman, you've received farm subsidies for your farm in the past. And-- and not the only one. Are you ready to vote against all farm subsidies? Just-- that's $20 billion by one estimate at least.

VICKY HARTZLER: Well, I think everything should be on the table. And-- yes, there's a lot of peop-- a lot of us farmers that have participated in a program. And-- and most American farmers do, as do most people take housing tax credits on the-- when they have house. I mean, there are programs that are in place now that people use. But right now, we need to do the adult thing, the hard thing. Not the easy thing. And we need to put everything on the table. And as I sit at home, I think we need to evaluate it by a certain criteria. And ask the tough questions. "Is this program Constitutional? Is it needed? Is it working?"

DIANE SAWYER:What's your view right now?

VICKY HARTZLER:"Is it efficient?"

DIANE SAWYER:What's your view right now? Would you vote tomorrow to say, "Let's get within--" and Congressman Stutzman, 100-- 100,000, I believe--


DIANE SAWYER:--for your farm's in the past.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:I would vote to eliminate farm subsidies. It manipulates the market. And that's the problem here in Washington. The adult conversation, I think, has to be, "No, we can't do all of these things. We can't afford this federal government." And whether it starts with-- with-- farm subsidies and that's an easy one to target us with, absolutely. Because it manipulates the market.

DIANE SAWYER:Congressman, agree?

VICKY HARTZLER:I'm-- I'm ready to-- to start the discussion and look at it?

MALE VOICE:Because there's--

DIANE SAWYER:Not a yes? Not a yes yet?

VICKY HARTZLER:No-- farmers seem to be-- targeted un-- unfairly a lot with this particular program. And-- I think we need to make sure everything is looked at before we just pick on the farmers.

MICHAEL GRIMM:In fairness to my colleague, I think that what she said was correct. Every single thing needs to be put on the table. Because the-- the pain should be shared by everyone. It wouldn't be fair for-- a congressman from a certain district to say, "Listen, I understand we all have-- hard times, but I have to have this for my district. And everyone else can share the pain." It's going to have to be 50 states and every district that-- that shares this, because it is-- it is a problem that we-- we're all in. We're all in this boat together.

DIANE SAWYER:Let me-- let me turn, if I can, to health care. Because of our limited time. Speaker-- Former Speaker Pelosi said-- yesterday, "Are you really now ready to say to the American People that what you want is that children who have preexisting conditions should no longer have health insurance? That women with breast cancer should be dumped by their insurance companies? As it was before this legislation. 26-year-old children whom you've just put onto your health care can no longer be on your health care? And-- and the elderly who need to fill that prescription drug across the-- the donut hole, are gonna be paying another thousand dollars a year for their drugs. Are you ready to say to them 'do it. Sacrifice'"?

SCOTT TIPTON:Then we ask the other side of the question as well.

DIANE SAWYER:"Suck it up."

SCOTT TIPTON:To current Speaker Pelosi. "Are you willing other have tax increases on people that are struggling to be able to feed their families right now because a portion of their insurance is being paid by their employer?"

DIANE SAWYER:So, you're saying if this price has to be paid--

SCOTT TIPTON:"Are you willing to put more burdens on small business--"

DIANE SAWYER:--to vote down--

SCOTT TIPTON:"--for every $600 purchase with your 1099s-- that are being put into place? Are you willing to surrender that opportunity to be able to make those choices between you and your doctor and have them handle that in Washington, D.C.?" So, there's another part of the equation. And I think--

DIANE SAWYER:So, in the balance--

SCOTT TIPTON:--not to speak for everyone--

MICHAEL GRIMM:But there's a part--

SCOTT TIPTON:--there are some elements that are good.

MICHAEL GRIMM:--there are some elements in this discussion. Everyone focused on the fact, like the Speaker said, of what we're taking away. With the left hand we need to repeal Obamacare because it's an economy crushing, job killing bill. Period. It is a mess.

DIANE SAWYER:Even if it means saying these things--

MICHAEL GRIMM:Well, but the right-- that's the left hand.

MICHAEL GRIMM:The right hand should be writing new legislation.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:That's not necessarily what it says. I mean, I grew up on a farm. I didn't have health insurance until I was 24 years old. So, I didn't even know I was poor until the government told me I was poor. (LAUGH) And, you know, that's the problem with Washington. And-- and today's society. People, we have an independent spirit about us. We find ways of getting the job done. States can take care of health care issues rather than the federal government. Let them be more--

DIANE SAWYER:But again, you know, the Democrats have-- have been saying, "This is where the rubber meets the road. This is where you have to say to people, right now, now you'll have to pay that extra thousand dollars a year for your--"

RAND PAULOnly if you define it--

RAND PAUL:It's a regulatory issue. Only if you define it as an either/or situation. "Well, either we have Obamacare or we have kids that have no insurance and will go barefoot and running in the street." It's not always an either/or situation.

DIANE SAWYER:But it was-- it's as it was before.

RAND PAUL:Well, and as it was before, wasn't perfect. Let's say for example I have a heart attack today because of all these horribly tough questions you're giving me. (LAUGHTER) And I have this heart attack, my--

DIANE SAWYER:I want you to know that Congressman Brooks told me to ask tough questions.

RAND PAUL:I know. But let's say I have a heart attack and I survive. If I survive, my health insurance expires in one year. That's a problem. Then I have a preexisting condition. But let's say we sold health insurance like term life insurance, and I had a 20-year contract. Then I have a heart attack, I survive, and my rate doesn't go up on my term life insurance. There were ways to get the marketplace involved, but instead we chose the government solution, not the market solution.

DIANE SAWYER:As you know, Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania said he's renouncing his tax payer subsidized health insurance that he gets coming here to Congress. How many of you are going to renounce it? The rest of you? Why not?

PAUL GOSAR:First of all-- Congress should not be exempt from rules they pass. And that's exactly what-- what happened here. In fact, I asked everybody to denounce that. Because we shouldn't be taking that-- unlike anybody else in-- regular, everyday America.

FRANK GUINTA:I-- I'm not taking the health insurance either-- maybe for different reasons. But I want to go back to the point you were talking about earlier. This is not Nancy Pelosi versus the new Republicans. This is the will of the people. And the people spoke in our country. They do not like government-run mandated health care.

And the point that was made that we are resilient is 100 percent accurate. And we've got to start being personally responsible, rather than always looking for a government solution. Government has a role, but it should be limited, it should be effective, it should be efficient. I think most Americans respect that.

DIANE SAWYER:The rest of you who are not renouncing it, how do you answer this?

MIKE LEE:There's a big difference between receiving health insurance through one's employer on the one hand, and on the other hand, establishing a national regulatory program that tells people where to go to do-- to the doctor and how to pay for it. And they-- they-- they are nonequivalent. They're not economical equivalents, they're not regulatory-- equivalents.

DIANE SAWYER:If-- if the taxpayer doesn't have an option but to support--


DIANE SAWYER:The taxpayer has no choice.

MIKE LEE:Health care regulation is fundamentally a-- an-- a creature of state law. It's states that license doctors, and nurses, and clinics, and hospitals. It's states that regulate the health insurance industry that establish the tort law system that government medical malpractice suits. States are in the best position to be able to regulate the provision of medical services.

And there are huge disparities. There's tremendous diversity among the states, including my own state, where it costs about half to provide health care to-- a citizen over the course of a year than it does in Washington D.C. States need to be able to respond to differences in their demographics, in their geography, and-- and in other conditions within their state. This is a state issue.


You know there's an attending physician downstairs in the building here, which I don't know that many Americans have in their office places. There's an attending physician available for you. Going to keep it, going to cut it out?

MIKE LEE:Those members who choose to visit that doctor for treatment pay for it the same way that it would-- their other doctor.

DIANE SAWYER:But it's subsidized.

MIKE LEE:My understanding is that they've calculated out the-- the price of it, and it's-- it's-- it's calculated out to be your per capita show--

SCOTT TIPTON:You know, actually, though, Diane, going back to Obamacare, that's part of the problem with Obamacare. It was originally that affordability and accessibility. Where was the accessibility for-- people in my district? It's not there. That's the problem that we've really got to be dealing with and focusing on.

FRANK GUINTA:I mean, affordability. I don't think anyone in America feels that the cost of health insurance has decreased since this bill--

MALE VOICE:It's having the opposite effect.

FRANK GUINTA:--been signed into law.

FRANK GUINTA:It-- it-- exactly. Health insurance premiums are increasing.

DIANE SAWYER:Premiums have--

VICKY HUNTZLER:Laid people off.

PAUL GOSAR:And-- and-- and the body of-- we didn't even talk about. And where-- where is the tort reform. Where is the-- the oversight there. Where was the creativity in the insurance industry to market individual plans. Where was that-- that-- that aspect?

DIANE SAWYER:And again, forgive me for switching topics here, but Afghanistan. I want to make sure that we talk about it, because there will be votes coming up to continue funding the war in Afghanistan. I know, Senator, you've-- you've expressed reservation. Any of you thinking it is time -- whether it is-- $5 billion every month. $5 billion a month for the war in Afghanistan. Are you all going to continue funding the war at the current level?

MARLIN STUTZMAN:You know, I've had three deaths in my district just in the past couple of months, and I've attended two of those funerals. And I tell you, it's tough. But I-- I tell you the-- walking away from them, I hear the family say, but you know what, just don't let 'em die for-- for naught.

And I-- I-- I've not been to Afghanistan. I've not had full briefings, but I do think that we do need to take a real valu-- evaluation, have the adult conversation, and say, you know, are we being-- are we successful here or not. Or do we have to step back and-- and reevaluate. And I think that's-- that time for that conversation.

MICHAEL GRIMM:And for the mission. The reality is, what is the overall mission? I personally feel-- as someone that has served in combat in the Middle East that if we're going to stick to certain timelines, as the President has put forward-- then we should bring our boys home now, because they cannot succeed under those conditions. The reality because of a myriad of-- of challenges in Afghanistan from the terrain to the corruption of the government, and the lack of infrastructure and so on, that's nation building.

If we really want to make a long-term difference in Afghanistan, and give the people of Afghanistan a difference rather to work for a warlord and grow poppy, or to have a life-- independent of that, then we have to do nation building. And for that, we need an international force that's bigger than what the United States can do. And if we're not committed to doing that, then we should bring our boys home.

MO BROOKS:Let's also talk about in the context of the role of Congress versus the role of the White House. In the White House you have the commander in chief. As long as he is going to have our troops in Afghanistan, our role in Congress is to make sure that they are adequately funded, that they have the right weapons, they have the right—defensive capabilities. That's our job as Congressmen, and that's what I'm committed to do.

DIANE SAWYER:Just one more question. And forgive me for going back about the debt ceiling. Let's say the Senate, let's say the White House will not budge on what you think is adequate compromise on starting spending cuts. Go right up to the wire. They-- instead of playing chicken, but going right up to the wire. Will you let it all go down?

FRANK GUINTA:Well, they're letting down the American--

DIANE SAWYER:But what-- what-- what would you all do if they just say, let's just call the bluff? Let's go right to the wire?

TIM HUELSKAMP:Diane, part of my frustration is dealing with a White House that promised us-- if we passed their economic plan, unemployment would go down. And fundamentally, their-- their view on the American people I think is wrong.

DIANE SAWYER:But at this point, if they decide to let the date creep up and you're two days before the debt limit--

FRANK GUINTA:But that's irresponsible. When others claim that it's irresponsible for us, those of us who are concerned about raising the debt limit-- I would argue that there is a time to campaign, there is a time to govern. There is now a time to govern, and everybody needs to come to the table with solutions.

DIANE SAWYER:None of you thinks they'll do that?

FRANK GUINTA:I certainly hope they don't.

MALE VOICE:Well, I don't--

MALE VOICE:I guess, we should stay tuned.

MO BROOKS:But we can't control what the White House is going to do. We can only control what we as individuals are going to do.

DIANE SAWYER:Yeah, but would you hold up? Would you say no? Let-- let us--

MO BROOKS:Well, get back to my premise. The budget deficit is unsustainable. It is the greatest threat that we face as a nation. We're spending money we don't have. Eventually, that will result in a collapse of the federal government. Under those circumstances, all the benefits that people are now receiving, they're gone or diminished. National defense. Gone or diminished. That is a major threat. That is a crisis we have to deal with it. I'm hopeful that the White House will be responsible and start dealing with it.

MICHAEL GRIMM:I-- it's well said. And I-- I think that-- Speaker Boehner and our leadership-- gets that. I think that they understand the gravity of the situation, and I do have faith-- that-- that Speaker Boehner-- and the leadership-- is going to work with us, the freshmen class, and-- and with-- with the entire Congress to finally put-- to really change the culture. It's about changing the culture of Washington. This borrow-and-spend mentality has to be changed. And that will not happen overnight. It's not going to happen overnight.

DIANE SAWYER:How worried--

RAND PAUL:You should be asking what do we want to attach to it that would allow us to vote for it. If they attach a balance budget rule that says year in, year out, we have to balance our budget, and we can do that by rule, not the Constitution, just by rule. They attach it to the debt ceiling, I'll vote for it.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:Well, I think this is also--

RAND PAUL:That should be our leverage. We should negotiate.

MARLIN STUTZMAN:The-- the mentality in Washington is not what John F. Kennedy used to-- what he said was, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." The mentality in Washington is look what our government-- what our government can do for the American people. We've got to get away from that mentality, and realize it's too expensive. We can't afford it.

DIANE SAWYER:How many of you--

MIKE LEE:This will be the legacy of the Tea Party movement. Not protesting, problem solving. Sorry. It's what the Tea Party movement is about and that's why we're here.

DIANE SAWYER:How-- how many of you have seen Mister Smith Goes to Washington? (LAUGHTER) Or Mrs. Smith? You've all seen it? Every one of you?

MO BROOKS:I've seen it many times.

DIANE SAWYER:Watch it again before you came?



DIANE SAWYER:Favorite moment in it?

RAND PAUL:The filibuster. (LAUGHTER)

MALE VOICE:And Jimmy Stewart wins. (LAUGHTER) And the people win.

VICKY HARTZLER:This is about preserving and protecting our country. And it's about conviction, the Tea Party movement. It's about caring about our country, and the conviction to do the right thing. In other countries, they protest wanting more from their government. What other country do you have a group of patriots standing up and saying we want less from our government. Leave us alone, preserve and protect our country. And that's what we're here to do.

FRANK GUINTA:And it's bigger than any one of us. I mean, we're here for a finite period of time to represent what-- the people from our reflective-- respective states want us to do. And we're here to do that. We're here to serve. We're here to represent. We're not here to do anything for ourselves, but for the country.

DIANE SAWYER:What are some of the things your children have said to you about this? About this moment, about coming here, being a part of this?

MARLIN STUTZMAN:Our son Preston is four years old. Every time he sees a flag, he'll turn and he'll look at me. In fact, he said yesterday. He said, "Are we still running for America." And I think that's exactly right. It's-- it's about our country. This is not about a political party. It's-- it's-- we're in grave danger, and I believe that we need to be looking out for America first.

SCOTT TIPTON:You know, it's interesting to me during a campaign visit with a young man-- in Pueblo, Colorado. A mechanic. And his one admonition to me. We visited for 30 minutes or so. And his concern wasn't about his job, it wasn't about getting a pay increase. It was about his six-year-old daughter. And what type of country is she going to inherit.

And when we're talking about a cataclysm coming-- $14.3 trillion in debt. That is a looming cataclysm-- that's going to be-- unsustainable for our children, for our grandchildren. And-- and that's the children of this generation. Where we rise, will we make the sacrifices that are going to be necessary to get the fiscal house back in order-- to restrain-- the overreach of government. It's not-- any intent is bad. There was always a good thought behind it, but there needs to be limits. Because just like, you know, in our family lives-- there are limits to what-- not what we're capable of doing. There are just dollars not able to cover everything we would like to do. So-- that's-- that's the challenge of our time.

DIANE SAWYER:How many of you see yourselves still here in ten years? Really? Really? You look at this as came here, what, two years?

FRANK GUINTA:I don't think it's about us individually. It's-- it's about what needs to be changed for the country. And I think we all are very understanding of that. And-- it seems like the last two years have been more about individuals who are in Washington. We hope that the next two are more about the public.

MICHAEL GRIMM:It should be defined by those that put here in the first place. It-- if this election stands for anything, again, putting aside Tea Party, non-Tea Party, it's-- it's a unique point in our history where the average American got involved in the political process, which I think is extremely healthy. It's-- it's imperative for the future of our democracy.

But I really, wholeheartedly believe that ultimately they decide our future more than we do. And what we're here to do is-- is-- is the best we can openly, honestly, with the character and integrity that-- that the office should-- have bestowed-- you know, be-- have bestowed upon us.

DIANE SAWYER:We calculate-- to do a little presidential politics, 'cause we can't resist. We calculate four out of ten of you I believe were en-- endorsed by Sarah Palin. How many of you think she's the number one candidate for 2012?

FRANK GUINTA:I don't think anybody has a real idea of who the number one candidate is.

DIANE SAWYER:Is that-- is that a real idea?

PAUL GOSAR:I mean, you've got a lot of history to go forward in this next three months before it shapes up to where we see people getting into the race.

MALE VOICE:It's a wide-open race. Wide open.

DIANE SAWYER:And how much do you worry about what everyone says is the-- the almost irresistible-- what-- softening of the edges when you get to Washington, and the next thing you know, you're part of the establishment? You just are. You wake up one day, and you are the establishment.

TIM HUELSKAMP:Well, I think Republicans were-- were given a second chance, Diane, but I don't think we're going to be given a third chance. And-- and I'm worried what happens in the next two years if we don't get something done about $14 trillion--

DIANE SAWYER:Do you think there's a way to insulate yourself against what you think the worst will be?

PAUL GOSAR:Well, for the American people responding to that.

PAUL GOSAR:I-- I think-- I think that-- particularly our calendar, and the way that we've gone to the-- to a four-day workweek, and that we spend a time, like a week back home, dialoguing with people. This is about the American people. We've said it over and over. It's empowering the American people. Because-- freedoms aren't free. They come with a price. And that's being involved in the decision making of this country. And we just have to retool this all the way around. And I think that the-- the time spent at time, over a longer period of time, instead of a quick weekend here, spending more time, makes a valuable asset.

MICHAEL GRIMM:But it's also changing the stigma, and for good reason, what the establishment is. If we can change the culture, we should be proud to be a part of the establishment, because the establishment should be doing the prudent, and wise, and proper things. We should be acting responsibly as an establishment, as Congress as a whole. And-- and that's really I think one of the biggest challenges that we face, is changing the entire culture, and-- and getting away from-- personal agendas, and-- and political agendas, and doing the will of the people. And if we can do that, then it won't be such a bad thing to say I'm part of an establishment. An establishment that I'm proud of, and helped shape, and helped to rebuild.

FRANK GUINTA:Well, and setting the tone that the most important work you're doing is when you're back home, listening to your constituents, and then bringing what their positions are to Washington to reflect their views-- I think would be a welcomed change certainly in New Hampshire, and-- and a welcomed change in the country.

DIANE SAWYER:So, can I do just one more one-word thing. Give me one word for what you think of the media.

FRANK GUINTA:Hopefully honest. How come you're laughing.


MALE VOICE:You said--

DIANE SAWYER:No, I was so sure someone was gonna-- was gonna say something provocative.

FRANK GUINTA:Well, it's where we just started. (LAUGHTER)

DIANE SAWYER:Go for it. A word?

TIM HUELSKAMP:Well, I'm-- I'm excited, there's an alternative media out there. And-- and that's what I want to see in Congress, is more transparency, and more openness. So you don't have to go through a filter of the media. And I-- I think that's where you'll see real changes.

DIANE SAWYER:Anybody else got one word?

MIKE LEE:Liberal.




MALE VOICE:Powerful.

MIKE LEE:It's expanding. The word media is plural. It was always intended to be plural, and it's becoming more plural. Never has it been so easy for so few people with so little money to communicate to so many so quickly. And that's changing America.

RAND PAUL:The Internet. The Internet has made y'all better I think because you now have to compete with hundreds of sources, and you see that there are other sides. And you see the success of some of the right wing-- opinions that are coming out when maybe the mainstream media might have been more to the leftwing. Now I think you're showing some-- I mean, even most-- most of the main networks now, you see both sides presented, but that's because of the Internet. Because there's an alternative out there.

MICHAEL GRIMM:There's also a double-edged sword, though, with the Internet. I mean, what I've seen. There was a certain amount of-- respect given to a journalist that checked his or her sources, and there was a standard that had to be met. And one of the problems with the Internet is anyone goes up and blogs, and puts whatever they want without checking a source, or without-- and it may even-- they may even do so knowingly falsely. And-- and that's-- one of the problems. And-- and don't get me wrong. The-- the Internet obviously expanding the venue, and-- and it is an overall benefit, but it is a double-edged sword in that regard.

DIANE SAWYER:So, a year from now, will you come back and sit down with me again, and tell me what was different from what you thought today?

MO BROOKS:Absolutely.

MICHAEL GRIMM:It depends on how the editing goes. (LAUGHTER)

MALE VOICE:It would be my pleasure.

DIANE SAWYER:And again, it's-- it's-- we-- we love the moment in America where we realize what it means to have everybody coming in from all walks of life. And we-- we understand that-- that the American democracy is a real and living thing. And that people don't just vote in November, but different people show up in January. And I just-- I-- I thank you again. And I hope for all of us a happy New Year.

VICKY HARTZLER:Well, I think-- calling home every day, and texting my daughter, and we've got Skype, and-- and so, staying very close to the-- your family, and going home as often as possible. Being there-- you know, in the district, having town hall meetings. Visiting with the people that you work for.

DIANE SAWYER:Hard to be away?

VICKY HARTZLER:It will be. Yeah. Absolutely. But this is a time of sacrifice in our country. Where we have to step up and do the hard things, not the easy things for the-- for the good of our country. And-- we're willing to do it.

FRANK GUINTA:I think the only reason to be in Washington is for either a committee meeting or a vote. Otherwise-- I at least, being from New Hampshire, have the ability to get home every single weekend, and of course, during the district work periods. And that's what I plan on doing. And that's the commitment that I've made. And to the extent that we can all do that based on our geographic regions is going to be more important to our constituents.

MO BROOKS:There's a hymn or phrase that comes to mind, and it's what's guided me in my public life. It's do what is right, let the consequences follow. That's what I hope we'll do.

DIANE SAWYER:That's what you'll be saying every night you're lying awake sleepless, worrying about the decision the next day?

MO BROOKS:Do what is right, and let the consequences follow. If you do that, you can sleep peacefully. Do your job.

MICHAEL GRIMM:I-- I always-- keep some type of Marine Corps memorabilia. Like I-- I usually wear my pin-- from the Marine Corps. And it-- it-- and it's not just about Marines, but it reminds me that throughout the world, we have men and women in uniform in harm's way. And here I am sitting in a beautiful room-- on a cushy chair, and they're in a hole in a ground-- or in a Humvee, where-- away from their families, wondering if they're going to be alive tomorrow. And that keeps me grounded. And I-- I believe it always will. So, just remembering our-- our armed-- forces, our services that out there keeping us safe every day.

PAUL GOSAR:I'm going to take time-- quality time to be taught. I sat chair side for 25 years. So, I know a lot about dentistry and about health care. I'm from a big district, the tenth largest in the United States. I don't want to go in just-- just glancing, and have a town hall meeting, and move away. I would like to spend two or three days, and I've made that commitment to go in to my district and spend those two or three days with each part of my district.

To be taught about agriculture, to be taught about mining, to be taught about water, to be taught about the Native Americans. That's what I think I should do. And I think that's what keeps me grounded. And that's why I'm happy to say I'm western through and through.

TIM HUELSKAMP:My faith's very important to me. And a lot-- of time prayer is important also in our district. There's 69 counties, and-- I plan on visiting every county every year, and a town hall. It's kind of hard to lose touch when-- when you face the voters every year, and get a chance to visit with them.

SCOTT TIPTON:I think you're hearing the same thing. A lot of us-- ties to our family-- and a commitment to-- to be able to get back into our district and to be able to reach out, and-- and to listen to the people who elected us. I think-- a very clear message-- came through that Washington wasn't listening. And so, it's incumbent on us to make sure that-- we're back and hearing the message that the people have to say.

DIANE SAWYER:The—Is there the one thing you think you'll do every day just to remind yourself that--

SCOTT TIPTON:You know, for-- for me personally, it's-- it's prayer. You know, you pray to do-- the right thing to the very best of your ability.

MIKE LEE:I agree with that. And I also think-- constituent-- communication is very important. I have three constituents back home, that I intend to communicate with every day. My three children. If I can explain to them every day what I'm doing, what I'm most concerned about, and I can distill that to the point that-- that-- two teenagers and a ten year old can understand it-- I'll be in a better position to boil things down to their essence so that I can communicate to others and to make sure that I'm staying grounded.

DIANE SAWYER:And what about being here, what you get-- you're going to have temporary housing for a while. What about being away from your family? What that's going to be?

MIKE LEE:Skype's a beautiful thing.

DIANE SAWYER:Skype's not a hug. (LAUGHTER)

MIKE LEE:Don't mean to suggest that it replaces everything else, but it's-- it helps.

RAND PAUL:I'm going to be living with my dad here. You know, not sleeping in my office, but living with my dad. So, I'll get to see family.

DIANE SAWYER:What's that going to be like?

RAND PAUL:Well, I don't know. We'll see. (LAUGHTER) It's-- most people are ready to have their kids move out after college. I'm 47, and I'm moving back in, so.

DIANE SAWYER:Living like a reality show experiment.

RAND PAUL:(LAUGHTER) Yeah, I don't-- yeah, I don't think we're going to do the reality TV. (LAUGHTER) And I told Dad he didn't have to worry about late-night parties anymore. So, I think we're probably okay there. But--

DIANE SAWYER:Right. You'll check to see what time he gets home every night?

RAND PAUL:The-- you know, you talked earlier about sort of the people getting-- consumed by the Potomac fever, you know, Washington taking over, and you becoming part of the system that you were railing against. I think what's important is not just-- I don't think we'll be corrupted by the system. But I think you can be corrupted by the minutia of the day that just drags you down and beats you down. What I want to do with my time here, and I don't plan on being here forever, is to-- think about the big ideas. Not be consumed by the minutia, but attached a balanced budget rule to the debt ceiling. Something big like that that we could all really believe and get behind.

But if we do it, and we cut $10 billion from it, can I go home and say, oh, we cut $10 billion. No, I want a rule. If we could pass some rules, I'll go home. If we could pass the balanced budget amendment and term limits, I'll go home next week. I mean, I want some rules in Washington, and I'll go back and be a doctor. So-- but I don't want to be consumed by minutia. I want to try to participate in a big way, in the big debate, in the big ideas that could change our country.

DIANE SAWYER:Forgive me for going back to it again. What's the hardest thing about living with your dad?

RAND PAUL:(LAUGHS) Well, he said he wasn't going to cook, and he thought that would be bad for me, but I think that's actually good that he's not going to be cooking for me. (LAUGHTER)

DIANE SAWYER:We're looking at a lot of takeout here?

RAND PAUL:Yeah. No. I think sometimes with family, even when you agree on a lot of things-- agreeing not to discuss certain things is good too, because you don't agree on everything.

DIANE SAWYER:That's true. Congressman?

MARLIN STUTZMAN:Well, I-- I'll definitely keep in touch with my family. I come from a farm family back home in Indiana. And-- my dad is always willing to share his opinion as well. And-- you know, it-- when I get home, go sit at the John Deere dealership, go to the coffee shops, and listen. I think that's the best way to keep in touch is-- is to listen to people. And-- my family, two brothers and-- and a sister, they're all involved in a farm. They hear things every day. And-- listening to them-- and talking to them every day and listening to them-- will help keep me in touch.

DIANE SAWYER:Well again we thank you so much.

MALE VOICE:Thank you, Diane.

MALE VOICE:Thank you.

MALE VOICE:Thank you.

DIANE SAWYER:It's going to be busy. It's going to be really busy. What are you most looking forward to?


DIANE SAWYER:Can you imagine what you're going to be thinking that opening gavel?

MO BROOKS:I'm going to be thankful we're no longer on the sidelines. Watching this lame duck session that just concluded. It was very difficult.

SCOTT TIPTON:I think having that opportunity to actually have a voice. You know, many of us probably-- yell at our TV in frustration over, you know, what-- what in the world are they thinking back there. And now you have an opportunity to actually have a voice, and to be able to articulate that message. And to be able to express those concerns. And hopefully bring some good ideas-- out of Washington.


I think they should get rid of the lame duck session.



MALE VOICE:Absolutely. A novel idea.

DIANE SAWYER:Anybody else, an idea of when-- want us to know when we're looking at your face, what you'll be thinking?

MICHAEL GRIMM:Well, outside of the actual work, I'm an organizational person. I like things in order. And-- so, I don't have my apartment until February 3rd. So, I'll be living in a hotel 'till then. And my office, obviously, I just walked into the first time, and I want to change some things around. And-- so, just having the three Congressional offices with the paintings on the wall, and everything done, and in its right place, and having an apartment that has furniture, and just that certainty.

'Cause the year-- and change on the campaign trail just seemed like life was in complete disarray. So, for me, getting that structure back in my life-- besides all the things I want to do here in Congress is-- is important to me personally.

DIANE SAWYER:Anybody else just going to be thinking, hello?

TIM HUELSKAMP:What an amazing country. Yeah.


TIM HUELSKAMP:No matter what happens, problems, and we all agree, it's the most wonderful country in the world, and how average, ordinary folks could actually be elected, and office is just a real humbling. A real solemn duty.

DIANE SAWYER:Thank you again. It's just great to meet you. I hope to see you a lot over the coming years. Come down a lot, check in with you. I really do.

MALE VOICE:Thank you.

MALE VOICE:Thank you.

DIANE SAWYER:Really great.