TRANSCRIPT: Ted Cruz Talks to George Stephanopoulos about Muslim Surveillance Proposal

The comments were made on "Good Morning America."

The interview aired on “Good Morning America.” Below is a transcript:

STEPHANOPOULOS: But how is targeting Muslim neighborhoods constitutional?

CRUZ: What we should be targeting is radical Islamic terrorism and the political correctness of this administration, they refuse to acknowledge that we are facing a global jihad from radical Islamic terrorism, indeed after just about after every one of these attacks, whether Paris or whether San Bernardino and certainly coming after Brussels, president Obama goes on national television and lectures Americans on Islamophobia. Enough is enough. We need a commander in chief who will protect this country.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Your proposal would target all Muslims, not just radicalists.

STEPHANOPOULOS: The police said it never generated made a lead or triggered an investigation

CRUZ: Look you’re right that the political efforts of Mayor de Blasio cancelled that program. They said it, they were not willing to actively work to stop radical Islamic terrorism and that political correctness, listen it’s manifested with President Obama and Hillary Clinton, when they want to bring tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees to America despite the fact that ISIS says that they intend to infiltrate those refugees, to send jihadists to murder Americans and the head of the FBI James Comey who as you know was appointed by Barack Obama has told us they cannot vet those refugees. We need a commander-in-chief who is serious about protecting this country and I tell you I will apologize to nobody for how vigorous I will be fighting radical Islamic terrorism, leading the effort to utterly defeat and destroy ISIS and to keep America safe. And I think people are fed up with a president who puts politics ahead of protecting the homeland.

CRUZ: Well look--a year ago, we actually launched our campaign a year ago today. There were 17 candidates in this race a year ago. 17 republican candidates, a fantastic talented, diverse field. Over the course of the year, the field has narrowed. This is now effectively a one-one battle between me and Donald Trump.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But John Kasich is still in there, don’t you need him out?

STEPHANOPOULOS: You got into a really skirmish with Donald Trump on Twitter last night. He threatened to “spill the beans” on your wife. That is some threat.

CRUZ: Donald is quite the character. Anytime he gets upset, anytime he gets threatened, anytime he gets scared, he begins yelling, he begins screaming, he begins often cursing and he acts like a bully he threatens people.

CRUZ: And so you’re right he threatened my wife last night I got to say that was the very embodiment of classlessness. My wife Heidi is the daughter of missionaries in Africa, she is my best friend in the world. And for Donald, she is way out of his league. If he wants to get in a character fight he should stick with me. And the fact that, you know I guess he’s used to dealing with people that he can just bully and threaten and intimidate and they run away, and I got to say the fact that he comes after Heidi, reveals a lot about character, but you got to understand the reason he’s doing that. He’s doing that because he’s trying to change the subject from getting walloped in Utah, losing badly and he campaigned in Utah, he campaigned hard in Utah and lost. And let me make a final point on this, we saw last week a poll come out in Utah, if Donald Trump is the nominee, he loses to Hillary Clinton in Utah. Now if the Republican can’t carry bright red conservative Utah, we’re getting clobbered everywhere, we’re talking about Walter Mondale style landslide.

CRUZ: That is part of why so many republicans are uniting behind our campaign because Donald Trump loses to Hillary and I beat Hillary.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Cruz thanks for joining us this morning.

CRUZ: Thank you George.