Trump Slams Clinton, Downplays Brexit's Potential Effect on the US

The candidate also chastised rival Hillary Clinton about Brexit.

"She was 100 percent wrong and she doesn't want to go on camera because she is embarrassed," Trump told reporters on the visit to his golf course.

Trump had tweeted similar sentiments earlier this morning:

Clinton released a statement after the vote stating that she respects the choices of the UK and wants to protect both American families from potential economic turmoil and the United States' special relationship with Britain.

"This shouldn't even affect Americans if done properly," he said of the economic implications of Britain's decision to secede.

The real problem, Trump maintained, was President Obama "doubling" the national debt.

"We’re now going to be very soon at 21 trillion in debt. That’s the big problem the U.S. has," he said. "We have to do something about it quickly."

When asked how he would react if a state in the U.S., such as Texas, decided to secede, Trump waved away such an idea. "Texas will never do that because Texas loves me," he said.