Trump Signs Executive Actions on Lobbying Ban, Plans for ISIS

Joint Chiefs of Staff would have 30 days to submit ISIS plan.

One of the actions, according to a senior administration official, gives the Joint Chiefs of Staff 30 days to present Trump with plans to "accomplish the defeat of ISIS," the official said.

Following up on his campaign pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington, Trump also signed an action to institute a five-year lobbying ban for administration officials once they leave government, and put in place a lifetime ban on lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

"This was something, the five year ban, that I have been taking a lot about on the campaign trail," Trump said to reporters gathered in the Oval Office Saturday.

Trump delivered on campaign promises with actions directing the construction of a border wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and limiting immigration into the United State from several countries.

In several cases, the blitz of activity caught some in Washington by surprise. Congressional leaders and officials with the agencies of jurisdiction received little to no warning on some of the actions from the White House, according to sources.