Trump Forges Ahead After Difficult Week

The Republican nominee is trying to move past a series on blunders on the trail.

And then he declared, over 20 times in just two days, that President Barack Obama was the “founder of ISIS,” only to then say he was being sarcastic but “not that sarcastic.”

To conclude Trump’s trying week, The New York Times issued a blistering report Saturday afternoon, anonymously quoting over 20 sources who attested to the turmoil within the campaign.

He responded by assailing the Times in a series of tweets, blasting the newspaper and the press in general, repeating a claim he made on Friday that he would be beating Clinton in the polls if it weren’t for the media. “I will tell you honestly, I’m not running against crooked Hillary. I’m running against the crooked media. That’s what I’m running against,” Trump said in Connecticut Saturday evening. “It’s true. I’m not running against crooked Hillary.”

But controversy still dogs the campaign. Sources told ABC News that staffers remain frustrated with Trump, who has been having a hard time adjusting from the primaries to the general election and the rigors that come with it.

Pence promised voters in Lancaster, Pa., last week that Trump would begin laying out more substantial policy proposals.

“Donald Trump laid out the first of what will be a series of major addresses on a broad range of policies that will articulate our ... vision for a new administration in Washington, D.C.,” Pence said.

A senior level campaign source said Trump “just needs to focus on [Clinton].”