Trump Holds 15-Point Lead Over Cruz in Indiana Ahead of Primary

The real estate mogul could win most of the 57 delegates there.

Trump earned 49 percent support in the new poll, while Cruz garnered 34 percent and John Kasich had 13 percent.

Indiana is a winner-take-most state worth 57 delegates -- 30 delegates to the statewide winner and 27 delegates based on the winners of each congressional district. Even if Trump loses the state, he will still have a viable path to winning the nomination, using unbound delegates from states like Pennsylvania, North Dakota and Louisiana.

The poll also shows a majority of GOP voters in Indiana disapprove of the attempted alliance between Cruz and Kasich to consolidate the anti-Trump vote in the state. Fifty-eight percent of them say they disapprove of the combined effort to block Trump, while only 22 percent said it was a major factor in their vote.

Sanders needs to win remaining states by an average of 30 percentage points to lead the pledged delegate count.