Trump Jokes About Non-Conservative Christians at Iowa Rally: 'Should We Keep Them?'

The GOP presidential candidate spoke to supporters in Iowa.

What ensued was a sea of raised hands.

But then Trump singled out those who do not identify as Christian conservatives.

"Raise your hand if you are not a Christian conservative -- I want to see this," he said. "Oh, there’s a couple of people."

Trump's reaction to the few raised hands? "That’s alright, I think we'll keep them, right? Should we keep them in the room? Yes? I think so," he said, as many at the rally laughed along with him.

Though presumably said in jest, this is part of a larger trend of monotheism creeping into Trump's stump speech. He also repeated a line that has said on multiple occasions during previous rallies.

"Imagine what our country can accomplish if we started working together as one people under one God saluting one American flag -- one American flag," he said.

Trump has advocated policies along these lines before: At one point he suggested banning anyone who practiced Islam from immigrating to the country.