Trump prepares for his 'must see TV' first State of the Union address

Preparations are underway at the White House for Trump's address to Congress.

On Tuesday, preparations were underway for the State of the Union, according to a White House official, who said Trump rehearsed his speech's delivery in the Map Room. In the afternoon, the president had a traditional off-the-record lunch with network news anchors at the White House.

With major legislative hurdles on issues like immigration and infrastructure ahead, White House officials say tonight's speech will strike an optimistic and bipartisan tone with a theme of "Building a Safe, Strong and Proud America."

On Monday, Trump when asked about his State of the Union speech at the swearing in for Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, Trump expressed hope his address will pave the way for finding a middle ground on immigration.

ABC News will begin livestreaming coverage of the State of the Union Address on Tuesday night starting at 8:15 p.m. EST. Then at 9:00 p.m. EST you can watch the full State of the Union Address followed by the Democratic response on, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and the ABC News app.