Trump Selects Oklahoma Attorney General and EPA Critic Scott Pruitt to Head EPA

Donald Trump has selected Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA.

"Attorney General Pruitt has great qualifications and a good record as the AG of Oklahoma," Conway told reporters in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York City on Wednesday night. "There were a number of qualified candidates for that particular position that the president-elect interviewed, and he settled on Attorney General Pruitt, and we'll look forward to the confirmation hearings."

Pruitt's selection may cause alarm in some circles; his bio on his website touts him as a "leading advocate against the EPA's activist agenda."

Pruitt's actions largely mirror Trump's rhetoric on the campaign trail, framing the EPA as a too-powerful agency pursuing an ideological agenda based on what he considers dubious science.

Repeated calls to Pruitt's office by ABC News for comment were not returned.