Trump would 'never' sign legislation to protect Mueller: Republican senator

Sen. Collins said Congress should pass bill protecting Mueller to send message.

“It would not hurt if we passed legislation to send a message to the White House that we want the investigation to continue,” Collins said. “But the fact is that the president is never going to sign that legislation, and there are some legitimate constitutional concerns about it.”

She added that even “having the discussion in Congress helps send a very strong message that we do not want Mr. Mueller's investigation interfered with in any way.”

Trump has considered in the past taking action to remove Mueller and as recently as last week he mused about it.

After the FBI raided the home, office and hotel room of Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, the president said in a meeting with military leadership about Syria, “Why don't I just fire Mueller? Well, I think it's a disgrace what's going on. We'll see what happens … And many people have said, you should fire him."

Stephanopoulos asked Collins if besides passing legislation there are “steps the Senate could take to protect the integrity of the investigation.”

“Even if somehow Mr. Mueller were fired… the investigation is still going to go on, so it would not spell the end of the investigation,” Collins said. “If a new deputy attorney general were nominated by the president, I cannot imagine the Senate confirming that individual without a clear commitment to appoint a new independent counsel.”