Trump Team Discussing Ivanka Trump Proposal on Capitol Hill

Ivanka Trump is taking a leave of absence from her businesses.

Policy staff for the tax-writing committee and members of the Trump transition team discussed a proposal in Trump's childcare plan that would allow parents to deduct some childcare expenses from their income taxes.

News of the conversation was first reported by Politico.

Trump first unveiled his childcare proposals in Pennsylvania in September, which his daughter helped put together along with female Republican members of Congress.

The president-elect's eldest daughter, along with her husband, Jared Kushner, are expected to play a role in Trump's administration. The couple is moving to Washington, and Kushner was named a White House senior adviser earlier this week.

Ivanka Trump announced Wednesday on Facebook that she is taking a leave of absence from her businesses, including the Trump Organization and her eponymous lifestyle and clothing brand. In the statement, she did not say she would be joining the White House.

The transition team said recently that Ivanka Trump would not immediately be joining the White House.