Trump: 'We are totally prepared' for military engagement with North Korea

North Korea's foreign minister accused the president Monday of declaring war.

The foreign minister added that such "countermeasures" included "shoot[ing] down United States strategic bombers, even when not inside the airspace border of our country."

"[Kim] is acting very badly," said Trump at the White House Tuesday. "He is saying things that should never, ever be said, and we're replying to those things, but it's a reply. It's not an original statement. It's a reply."

Trump also criticized previous administrations, saying that the "situation" with North Korea "should have been handled 25 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago and five years ago."

"You had various administrations … which left me a mess," said the president. "But I'll fix the mess."