Trump says Comey 'better hope' there are no 'tapes' of their conversations, White House won't say if there are recordings

Trump's tweets appear to be about conflicting accounts of his dinner with Comey.

The president appeared to be referring to accounts in the press that have raised questions about whether Comey told the president he is not under investigation.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declined to comment further when asked Friday if there was recording taking place in the Oval Office.

"The president has nothing further to add on that," Spicer said. He declined comment two more times, adding that he was not aware of anyone in the White House having a recording of the president's dinner with Comey.

In other tweets this morning, Trump defended his White House surrogates after multiple inconsistent statements from senior administration officials and White House spokespeople on the subject of the FBI director's firing.

Trump tweeted that “it is not possible” to expect “perfect accuracy” from the White House podium because he is a “very active president.”

He also floated the idea of cancelling the daily press briefings from the White House in favor of written statements “for the sake of accuracy.”