Trump's Iowa Operation 'Feeling Really Good' Despite Cruz Closing Gap

Trump's Iowa Operation "Feeling Really Good" Despite Cruz Closing Gap

Iowa visits from politicians tend to slow down around the holidays, but Laudner says he’s already busy planning the month of January, where Trump and his plane will be seen all over the state.

"We’re constantly working the phones and out there organizing in all the counties right down to the precinct level. Now it’s time to close the deal, turnout as many voters as possible.”

Trump has been the frontrunner in Iowa according to the polls for nearly five months, but Laudner tells ABC he likes the fact that Trump is still considered an underdog. The media along with Trump’s opponents have floated the idea that although Trump's supporters consistently fill his events with crowds larger than anyone else in the race, they may not show up in droves on caucus day in the cold. Laudner isn’t buying it.

“If they show up [to a campaign event] and spend 5 minutes, they’ll know it’s real. That said, I like to have them underestimate our strength.”

For Steve Mikesell, an insurance investigator from Chariton, IA, he says it’s been a long time since he voted for someone he wanted to vote for. That has all changed with Donald Trump in the race, someone he thinks says what he believes, rather than trying to be politically correct.

“He’s so successful, why does he want to be President? I think he wants to be President because he wants to do the right thing. Not because he can end up with a huge bank account when it’s all over.”

Mikesell and his wife Doris caught Trump’s speech in Newton, IA last month and enjoyed the Dominos pizza served afterwards courtesy of the campaign. Like many Iowans, Steve Mikesell admits the caucus is still seven weeks away and things can change, but Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States didn’t come as a surprise to him.

"What he says does not seem like he wants a total ban and never let a Muslim into the country,” Mikesell told ABC. "That would be wrong. That is against what we are. But, in the short term, to ban anybody coming in from a Muslim country until there have been sufficient background checks, until we know who they are, I don’t see anything wrong with that."