Twitter Reacts to Donald Trump's Accusation That Hillary Clinton Is Playing the 'Woman Card'

Twitter weighs in on Trump accusing Clinton of using the "woman card."

"I think the only card she has is the women's card," Trump said in New York earlier this week. "She has got nothing else going.”

Trump went on to argue, “Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she would get 5 percent of the vote. ... And the beautiful thing is, women don't like her."

Clinton responded to the GOP front-runner in a speech on Tuesday night: "Mr. Trump accused me, of playing the, quote, 'woman card.' Well, if fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman card, then deal me in."

It was only a matter of time until the hashtag #womancard took Twitter by storm. While some tweeters got creative using memes to criticize Trump’s comment, others focused on the deeper issues.