US to arm Syrian Kurds fighting ISIS despite Turkish opposition

Trump made the decision this week.

"The SDF, partnered with enabling support from U.S. and coalition forces, are the only force on the ground that can successfully seize Raqqa in the near future," said White.

The Syrian Democratic Forces is an umbrella organization of 40,000 fighters that includes both Syrian Kurdish and Arab rebel groups fighting ISIS in Syria. The main Kurdish element is the Kurdish Protection Units, known as the YPG, that has successfully pushed back ISIS from towns and cities in northern Syria.

There has been wide support from senior U.S. military officials to provide direct arms to Syrian Kurdish forces, but sensitivities about Turkish opposition has delayed such a decision.

Last year the Obama administration authorized the supply of small arms, ammunition and vehicles to Arab forces aligned with the SDF. However, consideration of Turkey's opposition to arm the Kurdish forces delayed a decision by the Obama administration.

President Trump approved the decision on Monday.

According to a U.S. official, the Syrian Kurdish forces will be provided with equipment and material similar to that provided to the Syrian Arab forces. The arms, ammunition and vehicles will be delivered in an incremental fashion.

"The U.S. continues to prioritize our support for Arab elements of the SDF," said White. "Raqqa and all liberated territory should return to the governance of local Syrian Arabs."

Traveling in Europe, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis spoke by phone with Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik about the administration's decision.

"Equipment provided to the SDF will be limited, mission specific, and metered out incrementally as objectives are reached," said White in a statement confirming the call. "The United States fully supports returning Raqqa to the care and governance of local Arabs. We do not envision a long-term YPG presence and governance in the city is acceptable or consistent with the wishes of the local population."

The city of Raqqa is being encircled by SDF forces who are receiving support from coalition airstrikes and American advisers. It is expected that the majority of the forces retaking the city will be Syrian Arab forces.

It remains unclear what potential impact this decision may have on plans for Turkish-supported rebel groups to participate in a future offensive on Raqqa.