Why Vice President Joe Biden Believes Bernie Sanders Supporters Won't Vote for Donald Trump

"Come on, man. You kidding me?” the vice president said.

“I wish we could put something on every Sanders delegate walking into a booth. If we were able to find out I’d betchya everything I have that hardly anyone is going to pull a lever for Trump. Come on, man. You kidding me?” he said.

"They did more to change the attitude in the party than anything has happened in a long, long time and it's all for the better," he said.

“We have to be a little graceful here. The delegates work their tail off and they are here in large numbers. Give 'em a chance," Biden added.

When asked in a separate interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos about the moment at the DNC when comedian Sarah Silverman called out Sanders' supporters for being "ridiculous," Biden laughed it off and commented that they are still in the process of getting over the fact he is not the Democratic nominee.

"Look, it's a process," Biden said in the interview. "You gotta give people a chance to kinda get over it, and they're getting over it."

Following that, they will eventually be convinced to vote for Clinton, Biden added, but right now "they're just angry"

He was resolute that the party is not fractured, saying he is "convinced" Democrats will not vote for Trump, noting that while the DNC emails didn’t help, it wasn’t the cause of Sanders losing the nomination.

“They're not gonna pull the lever for Trump, for God's sake,” Biden said, noting that "if they're gonna be consistent with the essence of what they say they're about," such as "getting big money out of politics, making sure the people have an even chance, education for people. How are they gonna vote for Trump?”

While on the floor, Biden also spoke with a group of students about why people come to the United States and how in all of his travels there is “not a single leader in the world that wouldn’t trade places with us in a heartbeat.”

"I promise you they are going to be fine. I do not think there is any fraction in the party,” he said, noting that while the DNC emails didn’t help, it wasn’t the cause of Sanders losing the nomination.

Biden also spoke with a group of students about why people come to the United States and how in all of his travels there is “not a single leader in the world that wouldn’t trade places with us in a heartbeat.”

He focused on the U.S. being a nation of immigrants since the 1740s and that in many ways the U.S. gets to "cherry-pick" the best of the best.

“Imagine what it takes to be sitting some place. In some god-awful place anywhere else in the world and say, 'I’ve got an idea. Let's sell everything we have, give it to some coyote, have him take us across the border. Drop us in the desert in a place they don't want us. Won't that be fun,'” Biden said rhetorically.

“The people who come are the people who have courage. The people who come are the people who are dreamers. The people who come are the people who are the people who never give up. The people who come are the people who are the people who are vibrant," Biden added. "That's why we are the nation we are. And that’s why you guys are going to make a difference. I really mean this.”