Virginia Poll Shows Donald Trump Behind Mitt Romney's 2012 Showing in Key Groups

Clinton is ahead of Trump by 14 points in Virginia, a new poll shows.

According to the new poll, Clinton is currently ahead of Trump by 14 percentage points in Virginia, garnering 52 percent support compared to Trump’s 38 percent.

Digging into the numbers, Trump leads Clinton among white voters, but by a margin not nearly as large as Romney four years ago. Trump leads Clinton by 8 points among this group, but four years ago Romney won white voters by a 24-point margin.

In 2012, Romney had an 89-point lead against Obama among Republican voters. Today, Trump has a 71-point lead against Clinton among Republican voters.

Nationally, Trump’s strongest advantage against Clinton is his support among non-college-educated whites. Trump holds a 24-point lead over Clinton in this group, but this is less than Romney’s 44 point blowout in 2012.

The latest ABC News/ Washington Post national poll shows that Trump beats Clinton among white voters, yet, Clinton boasts strong support among nonwhites, a growing share of the U.S. population.

To take the White House, Trump will need to claim a wide margin among whites. Exits polls from 2012 indicated that about seven in 10 of Virginia’s voters were white.

Trump has previously slammed Romney as a "failed candidate" who ran "one of the worst races in presidential history."

Virginia has voted Republican eight out of the last 10 election cycles, but Obama won in both 2012 and 2008.

ABC News’ Polling Unit contributed to this report.