5 Ways the Clinton Camp Responded to the RNC

The RNC faced an onslaught of tweets, Snapchats and gifs.

The Clinton camp -- which has at least two dozen staffers in Cleveland for the week -- has been trolling the Republicans’ every move in real time, sending out press releases, tweets, Snapchats and gifs.

Here are five ways the presumptive Democratic nominee and her team have responded to the events this week.

EVENT: The First Night of the RNC

EVENT: Trump Becomes the Nominee

RESPONSE: Once Trump reached the number of delegates needed and officially became the Republican nominee, the Clinton camp wasted no time in sharing its feelings.

Her response? “No.”

RESPONSE: The Clinton camp stepped up its trolling following Christie’s long-winded mock trial of Clinton on Tuesday.

The next day, the campaign dug up behind-the-scenes footage of a pleasant encounter between Christie and Clinton from earlier this year.

In the video -- which was posted on Snapchat -- the two give each other a big hug. Christie jokes that “all I do is hug Democrats,” tells Clinton to “tell the president I say hi” and wishes her “good luck out there.” How times have changed.

EVENT: Ted Cruz Urges Voters to "Vote Their Conscience"

RESPONSE: Cruz, who did not endorse Trump during his speech on Wednesday, told voters to use their “conscience” when they vote in November. The Clinton camp appeared to love that message: “Vote your conscience,” it tweeted, along with a link to the campaign's website.

EVENT: Trump’s RNC Speech

RESPONSE: Before Trump even delivered his closing night speech, the Clinton campaign was out with rebuttals. Early Thursday morning, the campaign posted a new web video –- “titled “The Truth About Hillary” -- splicing together nice things the Republican nominee has said about Clinton in the past. (For instance, Trump in 2008: "I know Hillary and I think ... she'd make a great president.”)

The campaign also launched TrumpYourself.org -- a website that allows you "discover what @realDonaldTrump thinks about you."